Credit: Michael J. Fite and angrymagic
I said earlier that I had fallen in love with Sanat as a result of working on a book on the Universal Law in which he largely figures, as Keeper of the Law.
Immediately that brought up a vasana. The triggering process is getting that quick and my radar is getting finer and finer.
I saw that I had fierce, unreasoning loyalties – at times. Very selectively. Once I really bond with someone, as I have with my brother for instance, I’m fiercely loyal. (I think many of us are, really, but I don’t know.)
And when I said I had fallen in love with Sanat, a fierce loyalty to Michael came up. Anyone who looks like they might come between me and Michael, I practically snarl at.
This is the same way it was for anyone who came between me and my brother. My relationship with my brother seems to me to have been preparation for my relationship with Michael.
But the vasana goes much farther back than this lifetime. I get a resonance or fit with my past life as an army general in ancient times.
This is a second instance of a past-life vasana. The other was associated with a life as a medieval monk. (1)
The general was fiercely loyal to his father. Blind, unreasoning loyalty, it feels like, when I really let it out.
That’s remarkable for me because it’s totally different from my experience in this lifetime. Maybe it took this pronounced a swing of the pendulum to counter this fierce loyalty towards my father in that earlier life.
This fierceness I recognize as his, not “mine,” so to speak. It doesn’t belong in this lifetime.
Wow. What a brick wall he was.
I don’t concentrate on past lives, but I can’t ignore this one as I walk the spiritual path of awareness.
Here’s another vasana that went off perhaps a half hour after the first and it was related.
In my musings, I heard myself say:
“If you pit me against anyone, you know I will go with the underdog.”
I was remembering a spat between two friends years ago.
And again I felt this same fierceness, interestingly enough. The two vasanas are linked by the feeling of fierceness.
When I work with a vasana, I entertain all possibilities. So, aside from the explanation of past-life trauma, I also look at the fact that the rising energies are flushing up any unresolved traumatic memories.
If I try to suppress this fierceness, it doesn’t work. It then changes into self-hatred for allowing myself to be subjugated. Again this all fits with past-life history.
In defending the underdog, I’m not defending a principle of divine justice. No, this is a simple, straightforward vasana, that results in the unreasoning, conditioned, automatic behavior of defending the underdog. Sometimes it was suicidal to defend the underdog. Wisdom was subordinated to vasana.
The general belonged to an underdog civilization and “always went with the underdog.”
But I presume the general eventually got over it and would have benefited from the lessons learned. He probably would have developed a compassionate eye for the underdog, rather than being automatic in his response. (2)
Somehow I have to harness this fierceness, meter it out in very small doses or find some other strategy to express it in safe ways. I know I can’t bottle it up – I’m not clear enough with it to do that yet.
I can also invoke the Universal Laws, torch it, ask Michael to take it away – and I do so. Turn down the thermostat. Those days are now over. Let the pendulum return to the middle.
Michael said quite a while ago we’d begin recalling past lives.
“In terms of these past life memories, you are being reminded of what is important for you.
“Many of you will have these flashes of memory and that is because it is to assist you. So do not stay stuck in that one memory. Look at it. Enjoy it. Incorporate it, simply knowing that you are being given – not just the information but the knowing that is going to serve you as you progress in your own [evolution] and becoming, in your journey back to the One – but also in the anchoring and the co-creation with us, in partnership, of this Nova Earth.” (3)
I presume that’s an ongoing process.
When our past-life aspects come in, I now see that there can be some work involved. This is the first time I’ve felt I needed to do work to accommodate what felt to me to be a visit from one of mine.
(1) “A Vasana Rooted in Past-Life Memory,”
(2) We’d call that, decades ago, going from being the effect of something to being its cause, going from being victim to being creator.
(3) “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: I Come to Touch Your Hearts, AHWAA, October 20, 2016,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/11/02/archangel-michael-come-touch-hearts/