When I first came across this passage in the book I’m doing about Universal Law through Linda’s channelings, I thought it was cute.
Hey, Kathleen, look. Here’s a beautiful exchange between you and Sanat.
And then I re-read it. Whoa, the flags. This is that exchange on the flags. Awesome.
When we take a step, a lot of others do. Really? More awesome.
The time is past for us to ask the guru to teach me or give me. The time is now to create.
“You have the capacity to instantaneously transform air into whatever you wish. So it is time to get going.”
I need to post this.
I’ve fallen in love with Sanat in the course of editing this new book.
(“Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Instantaneous Transmission, October 15, 2013,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/16/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-instantaneous-transformation-october-15-2013/.)
Suzi Maresca: I’ve heard spoken many of the desires people have around changes they wish for their bodies. I was hoping you could offer a practical use of this Law just like with the Law of Transmutation you gave us this beautiful exercise. Is there a simplified way that you can offer us to make those changes within our selves?
Raj: Yes. And that is why I have used the symbology of the mailbox flags. Because it is simply something that everybody is familiar with. We understand that in many countries there is no such thing as a mailbox flag, particularly on the plains of Africa. But think, all of you do have the symbol in one way or the other, the concept of a flag. Whether it is a prayer flag or the hoisting of a flag, of a piece of cloth that is representative.
But you could just as easily use a button or a key. So this is what we wish you to do. And when you are working with this Law, see yourself sitting down; it is best to sit rather than lay down. And then see yourself standing back towards yourself so you are facing your back. And you are facing your central column which is the cylinder around your spine which is where your etheric and your actual DNA is located.
You think of an aspect that you wish to activate in your beautiful unique design. And understand, this Law in particular – eventually we will teach you how to do this with others. But that is not where we want you to start. There is enough work at home to be done.
So you are looking, eyes opened, eyes closed, it matters not. Some of you can put out your hands so where we used to have you cup your hands with the Law of Transmutation, now we want you to put your hand – after you’ve decided what you wish to activate – put your hand, either hand it matters not, out and scan the spine.
And you will feel where that point of activation, whether it is a flag a button or a key, you will feel a slight tingling primarily in the center of the palm of your hand. Your fingers may feel it as well, but definitely your ‘high sign’ as it were is the center of the palm of your hand.
So you can do this with me, so you run your hand down this column of the back of your spine and you feel where those several flags, because most of what you are activating has several points of activation, so first you scan; then dear heart, go back down – not bottom up; you go back to the top, and you simply turn up the flag, push the button, turn the key, and go down; flip the flag, push the button, turn the key.
There usually will be about three or four. Now if you are working for example on the elimination of a dis-ease, now there may be many flags and you may do this consecutively for several days, but keep at it. And you will know when it is done.
Now you may not feel it in that very moment, but because the flag, the DNA – spiritual mental emotional physical DNA – has been activated for that perfection not merely for the healing, but for the perfection – it may take a bit. But we are not talking years. We do not have years at the moment. We are talking days.
And you have seen how rapidly the Law of Transmutation works. Well, this even more. That is why we call it instantaneous.
SM: I’m excited to practice this this week.
Are we ready for some callers?
Raj: Yes, we are.
SM: So area code 604 are you with us?
Caller 604: Oh, thank you. Hello, Linda and Suzanne and Sanat. It’s Kathleen calling.
I’d like to thank you, Sanat, for speaking to us about the Laws. It’s so helpful. …
I was wondering if you could give us a practical application of the Law of Instantaneous Transmission to bring about personal financial abundance. Is this a flag that we can lift?
Raj: Welcome, dear heart.
You are not activating an external flag. That has yet to come. But understand, what you are activating is your design that allows for worthiness, for abundance, and for completion.
You do have a love of currency. And let us be very clear that the Universal Law of currency is the currency of Love. So that is the starting point.
Now what is it when you look at your soul design? You know whether and if you were looking at the collective soul design of humanity, particularly this group of close to seven billion that are on planet at this moment.
The collective design is not one of impoverishment. It never was. That was the illusion of the third.
So, what you are doing is activating the flag for receptivity, the openness of self-worth, and the ability to receive abundance.
So you are going to have about seven flags in this regard. So there is self-worth. There is receptivity. There is the ability to give and receive. There is the willingness to move forward.
Because what you are speaking of is bringing forth currency in a physical realm, but first what you are establishing and recognizing is your own currency of Love. And your own deservingness, your own worth to experience, and to be able to create and play.
So it is not born of neediness. What you are doing, and we have not talked about this, but, Kathleen, you have activated this. Therefore we will discuss it.
There are certain flags that you are going to turn down. The mail is gone. So, turn down the flag of neediness. Turn down the flag of I’m not worthy. And turn up the flag of willingness to receive. Do you understand what I am saying?
Kathleen: Yes. Thank you.
Raj: And in that way, you have created, you have raised the vibration to the frequency of the human beings and therefore you are holding the frequency for the collective of the willingness to receive.
Now I know many of you are listening very closely to this. We have spoken to you as the Council of how you are doing the work through your field. When you activate this, you are committing yourself to also holding this for the collective and you are communicating this whether it is currency or perfect health or generosity.
You are communicating this to the collective. So turn off the neediness, the panic, the fear, will I receive, will it be in time, will I be able to pay my rent and activate the truth of your soul design.
Because the truth of your soul design – we will give you currency to play with – but the truth of your soul design is, dear heart, you have the currency of Love to create whatever you want.
When you came forth as those angels inhabiting form, do you really think that the Mother sent you to the kitchen? No. That devolved and it was part of the human relearning experience, but when you wanted food – you have that expression ‘manna from heaven’? The food was there.
And it was tasty and it was delicious and it was instantaneous. So this is what you are returning to.
You have come from a culture – and listen to what I say, even as Ascended Master and Planetary Logos – you have come from a culture – regardless of which culture – that has admired and deified gurus.
So you have had gurus who have been able to manifest instantaneously and you have put them in a different category. And you have said “Master, teach me” or simply “give to me.”
What I am saying to you is that you are your own guru. I do not wish to be your guru. Sananda does not wish to be your guru. Saint Germaine does not wish to be your guru.
You are your own guru. And in this, you have the capacity to instantaneously transform air into whatever you wish. So it is time to get going.
SM: All right, thanks, for calling, Kathleen.
Kathleen: I actually have one more thing. A quote from Linda’s book jumped out at me, her new book, The New You, and it said, “The Mother said the keys to Heaven are trust and forgiveness; the doorway is Love, open the doorway with your keys and step into your new life.” And I think that’s exactly what you just told us.
Raj: That is correct, dear heart. The wisdom and the Laws, they do not change. Thank you for that observation.