I think we were bitten by the desire to get to work, as the Hope Chest, in going for the figure of $22.22 a month. We didn’t want to wait for the Reval. We wanted to get to work now.
In the meantime, a reader wrote in:
“I think $22.22 is a very high subscription price. There has been less to read on the blog, less radio.
“I think we have had many years of full enthusiasm and I thank Steve and all other contributors for that.
“Great it was, but for the moment, most has been said and it feels like most of us seem tired? We are ready for the next stage and for many that will start with RV money. $22.22 is a lot of money per month for many still.”
We got it. I have to admit I’m tired too. And $22.22 is a lot. And, yes, we’ve been off the air for the last month.
Karen has asked us to roll the figure back to $11.11 or lower. It’s really up to you.
Truth of the matter is, we’ll be happy with whatever contribution you wish to make.
We’re content with whatever our fate is at the end of this month.
If you’d like to contribute, that would be wonderful. If not, that’s also fine.
Thank you. We love you.