Keeping us in fear
I once chided our revered Pleiadian friend Ellie Miser for being an extraterrestrial and yet posting on the winners of the Darwin awards and other news of human follies and foibles, etc. Where was the news of extraterrestrials?
Ellie explained that she had to get across to Pleiadians onboard ship, who were new to Earth, what made us Earthlings tick. And the follies and foibles often told them a lot about us.
She was like an anthropologist visiting Earth and reporting back to the home civilization – in her case, the Pleiades.
I hadn’t considered that role until then.
But here I am and you’d think I’d be reading about galactic civilizations and reaching for the stars and, like Ellie, my attention is firmly fixed on Earth.
Instead I can’t seem to stop studying and poring over documentaries on the Second World War. I’m trying to solve one of the central puzzles of being human – why we sink into debauchery and destruction over and over again and how we rise from the devastation that results.
No matter in what age you look, some nation, some class, some party is killing some other. Kings are either securing their thrones in the first place or defending them afterwards. Either way, armies are clashing and people are dying.
War became ever more mechanized and more deadly. Now the cabal pits nations against nations, religions against religions, races against races. We were on the pathway to destruction if the Company of Heaven had not stepped in.
My most mature opinion so far is that what’s below it all are the four S’s: Separate Selves Surviving Scarcity.
People who act out scripts of depravity, like the Nazis, saw themselves as separate; they identified with the small “s” self or ego; they believed life was a struggle for survival, in which all must compete for scarce resources. They wanted Germany to win.
With appropriate changes, this is the script I see repeated down the ages. There’s never been a society that I’m aware of that’s escaped living out of this entrenched belief system.
At its worst, it’s called social Darwinism, predatory capitalism, class consciousness, etc. It tends to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.
In its everyday form, it results in prejudice, discrimination, police brutality, acts of violence like Charlotteville, etc.
And it’s this point of view – of being Separate Selves Surviving Scarcity – that we lightworkers will have to pull away from, in my opinion. We need to lay new track.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)