There are a lot of folks promoting collaboration that don’t feel completely right to me and I shy away from them.
But this site, which editor Margaret Arnett brought to my attention, has a really, solidly spiritual sound to it.
Let me post their “About.”
Born as a festival of transformation in Byron Bay, Australia in December 2012, UPLIFT has rapidly evolved into a thriving global community of events, new projects and vibrant collaboration in service of humanity and the Earth.
In brief, UPLIFT began as a 4-day live event (a birthday party to be exact), bringing together global pioneers in science, spirituality, health, sustainability, creativity, youth and indigenous wisdom to explore dynamic solutions to our planet’s greatest challenges and discover new pathways of working, living and creating together for the good of all.
The slightly longer story is that in its 3 years of existence, the diverse collection of guests and presenters has not only given birth to an extremely interactive live and virtual event, it has also given rise to a wide variety of unique collaborations, partnerships and ongoing initiatives which have begun springing up all over the world. Projects to clean the waters of India, empower inner-city youth, support peace and reconciliation in the Middle East and to help empower Indigenous cultures around the world (to name a few). The purpose of UPLIFT has become to “Co-create Oneness in action in the world”, and therefore the festival is not only a great convergence of consciousness, but serves as an annual celebration to honor all of the great actions and initiatives that have come to fruition since the last festival.

The overall goal: contribute to the shift in global consciousness by creating a dynamic space of fresh collaboration, where the unique gifts, wisdom and skills of each individual can weave into the collective and be revealed in ways that are beyond what any of us could imagine or achieve on our own.
UPLIFT is actually an acronym…. for Unity, Peace and Love In a Field of Transcendence.
Since its inception, the team and global community of UPLIFT has developed a very inclusive interpretation of “festival” – such that any authentic expression of the underlying intention of Sarvodaya (Sanskrit for “UPLIFTment for all”) is recognized as a form of the festival taking shape in the world. In this way, UPLIFT has the possibility of happening everyday all around us. All those who feel called to the mission of generating more peace, love and new possibility for the planet are already playing a vital part of the global community of UPLIFT. In the words of festival founder Bharat Mitra, “Each one of us has our own unique gifts, purpose and role to play in this magnificent existence… and it is only when we all come together that this new era can manifest. We truly can create oneness in action in the world.”
Anchored in the fundamental belief that together we are far greater than the sum of our parts, UPLIFT is an opportunity to dream huge… and together to ignite a powerful, positive wave of unified action in the world.
When you join UPLIFT you are joining a global community committed to co-creating a new world together. Our pure invitation is for you to be and bring all that you are to this great circle and together we will discover what great possibilities emerge when we unify our gifts and passions for the greater good of all!
Whatever path has lead you here, WELCOME and thank you for being part of UPLIFT!