(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
A limited use of HAARP was in the past allowed to occur, with monitored and lessened effects, if HAARP released a great deal more negativity than it generated. Everyone who transitioned would have done so because it was in their soul contract to leave at that time.
In this regard, HAARP is a paradox, Commander Hatonn said, as reported by Matthew Ward in 2011. Commander Hatonn is both the commander of an intergalactic fleet and director of communications between Earth and elsewhere.
“Hatonn said … that’s the paradox about that particular use of HAARP – it’s intended to create massive amounts of negativity but has been releasing much more than it creates.” (1)
When HAARP was operational, the galactics could not just stop it altogether, Suzy Ward quoting Hatonn tells us.
“Hatonn says fleets are authorized to lessen the effects of geophysical events and they do that, but preventing them would be interfering with the cleansing process — the release of negativity — as well as the affected people’s soul contracts.” (2)
Interfering the cleansing process is interfering with Gaia’s own Ascension process. Her process trumps that of any of us individuals, as I understand it. (3)
HAARP was not the only weather-warfare technology used on the citizens of Earth. The Japanese Tsunami, for instance, was influenced by a number of weather technologies, as Hatonn through Matthew explains.
“[Hatonn] said that technologies to initiate earthquakes and weather manipulation have been refined and intensified over the years. Major storms used to be produced by one system and quakes by another, but because of ET interference, the Illuminati scientists started using a combination of technologies, like back-ups in case one system isn’t as effective as they want, but also to make it more difficult for ET technologies to interfere with all of the energy sources simultaneously.
“He said that in Japan, one of HAARP’s several capacities in various locations has been used in conjunction with developments from Tesla’s inventions and discoveries to produce destruction from above and below Earth’s surface. Even with ET’su advanced technologies it’s not a simple matter to dismantle all of the Illuminati’s equipment without interrupting essential power and communication sources that serve us, not only the Illuminati. That’s why discussions are going on at the highest levels of the universal council as to the best way to proceed.” (4)
Since the subject is of interest, let me follow what Suzy and Matthew Ward and Hatonn had to say about that engineered catastrophe.
When I asked Suzy if HAARP was behind the Japanese Tsunami, she said it was not.
“Matthew didn’t say HAARP because that isn’t the weather control technology that the Little Greys shared with governments several decades back and scientists under Illuminati control are using it. If you have to further define this for your readers, weather control technology is correct.” (5)
Suzy went on to discuss these other technologies.
“As for HAARP: In the decades since the Little Greys shared their weather control and other technologies — which the Illuminati took over and have used only for negative purposes — other technologies have been developed from the Little Greys, also from Tesla’s and Rife’s inventions and probably many other’s inventions that I don’t know about. Lumping all of those under HAARP, which does have several uses, isn’t correct, and that’s why Matthew says simply manmade technology or weather control technology when he’s speaking about that topic.” (6)
In an excerpt from a March 18 email to Hannah Beaconfield, who channels the Pleiadian Light, Suzy Ward revealed that the Illuminati came to know of our star family’s interference with their weather-warfare technology.
“Hatonn just told me that the Illuminati know of our space family’s interference because intended destruction hasn’t happened. Apparently they suspected that but it was conclusive when that hurricane weakened over the ocean, then turned and went north instead of hitting the US mainland, which wasn’t at all what the Illuminati had designed.
“He said that technologies to initiate earthquakes and weather manipulation have been refined and intensified over the years. Major storms used to be produced by one system and quakes by another, but because of ET interference, the Illuminati scientists started using a combination of technologies, like back-ups in case one system isn’t as effective as they want, but also to make it more difficult for ET technologies to interfere with all of the energy sources simultaneously.
“He said that in Japan, one of HAARP’s several capacities in various locations has been used in conjunction with developments from Tesla’s inventions and discoveries to produce destruction from above and below Earth’s surface. Even with ETs’ advanced technologies it’s not a simple matter to dismantle all of the Illuminati’s equipment without interrupting essential power and communication sources that serve us, not only the Illuminati. That’s why discussions are going on at the highest levels of the universal council as to the best way to proceed.” (7)
Discussions as to the best way to proceed evidently did take place because HAARP was decommissioned and the weather scientists “removed.”
There are a few messages that suggest that galactics would have a desire to punish people like the weather scientists. My sense is that the higher-dimensional beings who are our space family don’t operate on principles such as vengeance.
If the weather scientists were removed, I anticipate that they will receive fair and even generous treatment while still being separated from their instruments of terror.
To summarize, HAARP has been decommissioned and the weather scientists removed.
The storms we’re encountering now are not manmade.
They are part of Gaia’s Ascension process. She needs to clear all the negativity from her surface and interior caused by humanity’s cruelty over the ages.
(1) Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2011, at https://matthewbooks.com
(2) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, March 13, 2011.
(3) For instance, it was her request that no further 9/11s occur. Her request trumped that of the Illuminati who would have wanted to continue creating terror.
(4) Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2011.
(5) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, March 13, 2011.
(6) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, March 16, 2011.
(7) Suzy Ward in Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011.