I’m willing to wager that what we call the Tsunami of Love ancient Christians and Hebrews would have called the fire of the Holy Spirit. (1)
The Tsunami of Love sweeps a person clean of everything that weighs them down. The fire of the Holy Spirit purifies. Both leave the person cleansed and restored.
I think the notions of baptism in the River Jordan, “fuller’s soap” and “refiner’s fire” are also references to this purifying process. (1)
The Divine Mother has promised the world a fourth-chakra heart opening. It’ll see us all experience a torrent of love, which we call a “Tsunami” of love.
Hindus call the experience, “spiritual awakening”; Buddhists, “stream entering.” Timing? The Mother’s.
From my own experience, this tsunami was a flood-tide of divine, real, or true love – Fifth- to Seventh-Dimensional love. It’s so far out of our ordinary experience that words don’t do it justice.
I’ve never been able to find any other words to say than “I love you” while in the experience of it. I end up endlessly repeating it. We have no other words that convey the pure and simple experience.
I tried so hard some time ago to arrive at some intelligent words about it in articles and had to give the effort up.
I think a contributing factor is that our life here is so dense compared to the higher dimensions that we don’t rise up enough in vibration to feel these states. Our inability to do so is reflected in the words available. Our vocabulary is too limited to convey what these divine states feel like.
Kathleen said the other day that she felt such joy that she could see how the world would work if everyone were feeling the same way. Joy is a divine state.
It’s the same with divine love. If everyone were experiencing it, I guarantee the world would work. No one would think a harmful thought. We’d be unable to lift a finger against anyone else or ourselves.
For some people it helps to be in sacred partnership. For others it helps to live alone. For some divine love arises out of their association with people. For others it happens alone or in nature or among animal friends. Or nature spirits. Or invisible galactics.
Ramakrishna used to say that the Mother makes different dishes from the same fish to suit the tastes of her children. For some she makes fish curry. For others, fish pillau. And for still others, a fish biryani. She makes a dish to suit the palette of each. So our Divine Mother makes a path to suit every inclination. But the destination is the same: Divine love and bliss.
One more? I so love Ramakrishna (who has reincarnated). What matters, he said, was to get into the lake of bliss. You can run in, walk in, jump in, or fall in. It matters not, as long as you get into the lake.
We’re all destined to get into the lake. Some will dip their toes in, some will wade in, and some will run in. But all are destined to fully submerge.
I grew up in the aftermath of World War II in the shadow of the atomic bomb – always worried and fearful – to this day and age when we look forward to a consummation that’s truly beyond words.
The shift in my satisfaction with life has gone from negative to positive. Everything we hoped for in the Sixties is coming true in the Teens. It’s hard to believe all that’s happening, hard to take it all in.
At the same time, “creative chaos” extends to whole cities and regions and descends right down to our own selves, friends, and family. So many people are hurting. And yet we’re told that this is the last hour before the dawn.
It truly is the darkest hour for many people. Faith and faith alone is what’s buoying them up, who carry a heavy burden.
Soon we’ll help. Everyone hold on. I believe we’re almost there.
(1) Malachi (3:2).