Lee Degani includes us in her diary entries from Sept. 4 to Sept. 9, as she prepares for Hurricane Irma, now moving further west in Florida.
Monday early am, Sept, 4, 2017
Another crazy night! I wake up at 1:30 a.m. and can only cry on and off for hours. Sometimes my body is shaking. Am I processing something? But there are no answers, only that it has to do with fear. I just let it flow through me.
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017
The hurricane news is now serious. Irma is due to hit us Saturday! My guidance tells me we are going to need to protect our house for this one. Now I understand why I cried the night before. The fear has to do with the hurricane!
There is such chaos and fear everywhere! No water or batteries in stores, bread gone, long lines at gas stations. Plywood is very difficult to come by and only 10 pieces are allowed per person. I am having difficulty staying peaceful and not being affected by the energies!
Wed. Sept. 6, 2017
David and I are now in full hurricane prep. mode and know we have to do whatever is needed to navigate the system. The hurricane shutters we ordered over a month ago are delayed at the factory so this means each of us getting plywood so we have enough. We set the intention everything will go smoothly and easily and it mostly does! Even though we have to wait hours in line for the plywood, gas and other necessities, strangers just come up to each of us throughout the day with offers of help. I receive the knowingness that both of us need to be out in public radiating our Light. Hmmm…is this why the shutters are delayed?
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017 early am
Again I am woken at 1:30 a.m. I continue to work on Irma and my neighborhood. Irma comes to me in three different forms but I only remember two, an angry teen and a bitter old woman. At first I think they are aspects within me that need to be healed but this feels very different. I listen to the woman but don’t remember afterwards what she told me.
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017
There is definitely a shift in the energy, of settling down. But with a category 5 hurricane coming there is still fear and panic. Many are still evacuating even though the state has advised people to stay unless in an evacuation zone due to limited gas. I am mostly in a peaceful state and able to transmute the moments of fear.
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017
I feel as though I am living in a cave with the plywood on my windows. Many in the neighborhood want to be outside for the same reason. The Love and Light flowing everywhere with people helping each other is just beautiful! I have left over plywood I can give a neighbor. We are both so filled with Joy her house can now be protected! I tell her about my new program (children read with third eye) As soon as she begins watching a child read blindfolded she cries and I feel how her heart has pierced open! Somehow I need to remember this…
I meet with my channeling group in the afternoon. Gaia tells me of the muck that Irma is bringing to the surface. It is also related to oil spills.
There is an update with the hurricane track! Irma has shifted to the west! Boca Raton is still not out of danger but will not receive the brunt of the storm from the eye wall. I am in deep gratitude and relief but cannot celebrate with Irma still on her path!
Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017 early am
I am woken up in the middle of the night and brought to the core of Irma. The same muck is there that I saw in the channeling session but it is hard as a rock. It becomes a small square in my hand so I can soften it but putting it in water doesn’t help. I am shown the reaction of my neighbor seeing the child reading blindfolded and understand I am to call on the crystal children. They form a circle, hand in hand, around Gaia. I fall back asleep knowing they will soften the muck.
Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
The updated hurricane track shows Boca Raton is out of the cone! It is still a dangerous storm for us but nothing as we were facing before. I am concerned as my daughter in Tampa is now in Irma’s direct path. I set up my sacred symbol and place it within Irma’s eye so she receives a continuous flow of Love.
I want to get in a walk before the county’s hurricane curfew of 3:00 p.m. The winds are making it difficult to walk but I persist. The sounds of the wind remind me of the howling that comes with a hurricane. A thought comes that perhaps the howling is from the deep pain of not being Loved. I whisper to Irma, “May you only know Love.”
When I return home the bands of rain begin. I know Irma is now cleansing and healing much with her tears. May the Love we are sending help her process be gentle and with ease.