What’s the meaning of the extreme weather we’re seeing around us?
Are we prepared to acknowledge that we humans affect the weather?
Are we prepared to acknowledge that Gaia uses the weather to cleanse herself of negativity?
I’ll be writing a companion piece on HAARP since many commentators are saying that HAARP has been involved in creating recent weather patterns. And another one on “global warming.”
But here I’d like to look at extreme weather and Earth changes.
Mike Quinsey’s sources tell us that:
“Mother Earth is beginning to make changes upon the planet and in many countries you have been experiencing weather extremes. Do not worry as it is not the end of the world but the emergence of the New Earth.
“It seems to be very chaotic at times but once the changes have been made it will quickly settle down into a pleasant weather pattern that all shall enjoy.” (1)
Mother Earth is adjusting, releasing negativity the way we’d release muscular tension – stretching and expanding.
She still has a ways to go, Mike’s sources tell us.
“The End Times are in the course of dramatic changes that are well advanced. Mother Earth is naturally involved and is already starting to initiate necessary changes. She has allowed her ‘body’ to be used in many negative ways so as to help your evolution.
“However, she has decided that now is the time to concentrate on her own needs, and the cleansing of the Earth has commenced.” (2)
In their messages, Matthew Ward and Sheldan Nidle have told us a fair amount about Earth’s ancient history and our connections to the stars. These same parent civilizations came when Gaia called for help. As Sheldan’s sources phrased it: “Heaven summoned us and we came.” (3)
Galactic civilizations surrounded Gaia in light for decades to raise her strength for her Ascension. In picking up the story from there, Matthew Ward explained in 2013 the role of negative weather in her preparations:
“The intensive light that saved Earth’s life gave her the strength to start releasing negativity via powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms that resulted in massive death toll and destruction. …
“Never again will negativity amass on the planet and none of the predicted cataclysms will occur! The darkness that for long ages enshrouded Earth is gone, but ‘mopping up’ what was left in its wake will continue until she reaches the planes where violence doesn’t exist.
“She won’t get there next week or next month, but aided by light forces within, on and beyond Earth, she is moving toward that space at a speed that is unique in this universe and all along the way, violence will lessen and so will storms, quakes and volcanic activity.” (4)
Apparently Biblical predictions no longer apply. They described a possible timeline, but the efforts of the terrestrial, galactic, and celestial team here to facilitate Ascension has placed Earth on a different timeline, where our Ascension will succeed without requiring catastrophes to awaken us.
In the same message, Matthew reported that the old negativity had been cleansed and only new negativity was being encountered now.
“The last of the ‘old’ negativity was eliminated about six months ago—that’s what enabled Earth to enter fourth density. ‘New’ negativity caused by ongoing violence is being released through a series of earthquakes in areas where there is little, if any, loss of life or land destruction, and the same with volcanic eruptions. More is being dispersed via torrential rainstorms in some areas and wildfires in others—water and fire are Nature’s cleansing elements.” (5)
It’s very revealing to hear that “water and fire are Nature’s cleansing elements.”
Apparently, some people will choose to leave. Mike Quinsey’s sources explain: “Some souls wishing to leave the Earth will seize such opportunities, as they are not ready to remain and take part in the Ascension.” (6)
Others may have merely finished their work on Earth and choose to return to their home planets. Others may have sacrificed their lives to bring attention to a situation (the cabal, race relations, police brutality).
There are various reasons why people may choose to leave now and to leave in the way they do.
Meanwhile, are there any other reasons why the extreme weather and Earth changes are happening?
The Arcturian Group point out that there’s a reason as basic to Ascension as Gaia’s need to cleanse.
“The storms are not just about global warming or Gaia’s Ascension, but are about a spiritual leveling – neighbor talking to and assisting neighbor, strangers stepping in, and the birthing of universal compassion.
“It is about a higher sense of love and oneness emerging among all who up to now considered themselves separate in some way (racially, economically, intellectually, age etc.) from each other. This leveling process has been necessary in shifting large groups into a deeper realization of oneness.” (7)
It’s sad to think that nothing seems to bring us together as much as tragedy.
If there’s danger, warning will be given, Mike’s sources tell us.
“The changes will cause people to move to safe grounds and adequate warning will be given, and ultimately the Earth will be transformed. At the higher levels it will be restored to a time when it was referred to as the ‘Garden of Eden.’ It will be a joy and pleasure to be part of such changes and live in harmony and peace once again.” (8)
The extreme weather and Earth changes happening today are assisting Gaia to mechanically release negativity deeply embedded in her body or to cleanse her surface of it using fire and water.
All of this is her birthing process. She’s birthing the New Earth, a Fifth-Seventh Dimensional Garden of Eden.
Our job, as far as I’m aware, is to contribute calmness and love into the setting. It’s also to cleanse ourselves of negative attitudes and patterns using whatever clearing process we find most useful.
We have the advantage of knowing that what’s occurring is temporary, natural, and, ultimately, beneficial. We know there is a very great deal to look forward to.
(1) “A Message from my Higher Self. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.” January 28, 2016, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Mike%20Quinsey/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(2) Mike Quinsey, Feb. 26, 2016.
(3) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation Update, June 25, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007.
(4) Matthew’s Message, June 11, 2013, at https://matthewbooks.com.
(5) Matthew’s Message, ibid.
(6) “Remember that death is only a transfer from one level to another, as in reality there is no such thing as ‘death,’ that some souls consider to be a permanent condition. Life is eternal and death is not such a frightening experience as some might imagine. When the soul leaves the physical body it easily slips out and then moves to the Summer Realms. There it will review its life and then proceed to an appropriate level, determined by their vibrations.” (Mike Quinsey, April 22, 2016.)
(7) Arcturian Group, channeled by Marilyn Raffaele, June 2, 2013 at https://www.onenessofall.com.
(8) Mike Quinsey, Feb. 26, 2016.