(Continued from Part 4.)
Steve will return tomorrow.
Meanwhile, we continue with excerpts from a new e-book, On Sacred Partnership.
I’ve raced to complete it. You may download it at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Sacred-Partnership-R3.pdf
What is key to making the new forms of love relationships work?
Archangel Michael: The key to [making sacred partnership work] is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with the sanctity — yes, the sanctity! — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide. …
The crux of the new sacred union energy — and I am pleading with you, because this is a sacred beginning for all of you, whether you think that you are in sacred union now or not — this is the new way. It’s freedom and liberation and it is love. And it is the freedom to say to each other, “Is this love? Are these words love?”
“Are these actions love? Are these feelings love? Are they the demonstration of purity and clarity? Do they lift me up, even when I am looking at something that perhaps I have avoided, or evaded? Does it lift me? Does it liberate me because I am free to look at this not in a threatening manner, not in a way of punishment and brimstone, but because I am cared for and cherished and seen for who I really am?”
This is a reflection. It is the anchoring — you have that expression, “Heaven on Earth”? — it is the anchoring of how union works, certainly on our side, but certainly in the higher dimensions and in the more evolved civilizations. (“Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.)
Divine Mother: But [the key for the new form of love relationships is that it] does not include judgment but it includes awe, admiration, appreciation, gratitude, spaciousness. This is something that is often absent in many relationships that we observe. It is not ownership to be in partnership and there has need to be the room between you, each to do what you are destined to do, what you choose to do, and what brings you joy and then to bring that back.
So there are things that you will create and co-create together and then there are things, it is important, to do by your sacred self and then bring it, the way a child brings the drawing to their mother and it is celebrated and valued and cherished. (Divine Mother, “Mother Mary Discusses the Divine Quality of Hope-the Foundation, the Bedrock of Human Existence,” February 21, 2013, at https://counciloflove.com/2013/02/mother-mary-discusses-the-divine-quality-of-hope-the-foundation-the-bedrock-of-human-existance/.)
Archangel Michael: You are starting to learn about how to play with this, so that you can slide along that grid and enter into another’s sacred space, your sacred partner’s space. And similarly you can allow them to slide into yours.
You do meld in a very new and different way, because the fear element is going. And then you take each other’s hands and hearts and you travel throughout the universe. You multi-locate to whatever planet or dimension you want to explore.
You play. Because that feeds your creation and your creativity. How do we live sacred partnership? You don’t put parameters around what is possible with your sacred union. And there is a willingness, a determination, a drive to explore it all.
It is what the Mother had in mind when she created this movement, this attraction of one to another. It is a gift, and it is beautiful. So, do not resist, my friends. Allow this beautiful dance to begin. (“Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.)
Mary Magdalene: How do you live it? How do you breathe it? How do you inhale it and exhale it and sleep with it? It is not that Yeshua and I never had differences of opinions, we were both very strong beings, and we still are, each with our own sacred path. But the union of those paths and the unions of our hearts overrode any petty disagreements or different opinions on how best to proceed.
Our agreement, our human and our soul agreement, was that we would discuss, we would talk, telepathically and physically, about small and large things.
Our agreement was our promise to Love, comfort and support one another; that we would appreciate and express our gratitude in a multitude of ways every day by sharing. And that if there were situations where one of us felt the Divine guidance to take a certain action, that we would honor each other’s choice, that decision, that need, that soul’s priority, even if we did not like it, even if we knew the consequence might be painful; because the honoring of each other and the honoring of our paths and choices was more important than avoiding outcomes that we might not like.
Because Yeshua and I knew the unfoldment that lay ahead of us, it assisted us and encouraged us to truly live in the moment, in the now that we had together. (“The Magdalena on the Nature of Sacred Partnerships,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 10, 2014, at https://counciloflove.com/2014/08/the-magdalena-on-the-nature-of-sacred-partnership/.)
Jesus: That is what Relationship is about. That is what Love is about. It is loving you and honoring you enough to heed your desires and wishes, to help in every which way we can or are capable of, to love you no matter what, to be vigilant and wait, and assist how, where, when, and in every way we can.
It is to love you enough to be in sacred partnership with you, with each of you. (“Transcript: Yeshua Discusses Relationships on Heavenly Blessings,” channeled by Linda Dillon, February 4, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/02/transcript-yeshua-discusses-relationships-on-heavenly-blessings-february-4-2014/.)