Imaginative representation of Agartha Shamballa. Credit: Humans are Free
Concluded from Part 2, above.)
Sheldon explains what happened on the Earth’s surface to sink Lemuria and Atlantis and send the survivors to Agartha:
“Gaia previously was a pristine place with only occasional disruption. These disruptions were times when new ecosystems were introduced and new species obtained a period of domination. These periods generally lasted for many hundreds of millions of years. You arrived when such a change had recently happened.
“This surface had more continents and smaller oceans. A general balance was in effect. Your ancestors realized this and at first used their ethereal-like state of consciousness to adapt themselves to this realm.
“Later, they explored Inner Earth and immediately understood that their guardianship extended to both realms. Over hundreds of thousands of years the Lemurians graciously were able to oversee Gaia and her numerous ecosystems.
“While doing this, the Lemurians welcomed new colonists and began to forge a network of lands, and carried out their stewardship with love, grace and divine wisdom. Tales were told to each new generation, which in turn added to this ever-growing history.
“A long relationship with Gaia had preserved her unique chain of diverse life forms. This serenity was to be broken by the sudden actions of Atlantis. These actions sank Lemuria, cut off Agartha from Gaia’s surface and made Atlantis the dominant land on Gaia’s surface realm! Your long, dark age had begun!” (1)
But Atlantis too sank into the sea. Now the Agarthans are working hard for us, to see that we ascend without the catastrophe that they had to pass through.
“The Agarthans have been working very hard on their presentation of the Akashic Records, as they will be displaying specifically the role that they have played in helping you all to ascend ever since they left Lemuria and went underground to the hollow Earth.
“The Lemurians did indeed ascend and find purer states of consciousness, and have existed within Agartha since the fall of their colony to help you all ascend this time around rather than find the unfortunate destruction Atlantis and Lemuria found.” (2)
Sheldan’s sources tell us that the galactics initially raised fear and mistrust in lightworkers by their countering of the cabal. This phase ended when they, from a base in Agartha, our star family worked with the Agarthans to win the trust of Earth’s sacred secret societies.
“The first impression of us, for these various Light groups, was of distrust and a sense of overall fright. These first impressions ended when we turned to the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans for advice.
“Our next set of interactions received an entirely different set of reactions. Those individuals who began to have confidence in us forged the courageous policies of the secret sacred societies. Slowly, these various groups of dedicated individuals began to trust us.
“After a decade of close workings with many of them, our advice is now honored and the great strides made in the last few years are a direct result of this coalition. We built, moreover, a huge main base next to the Agarthan capitol and began to hold detailed planning sessions there. The grand Council of Agartha and the Ascended Masters attended with many of the leaders of these sacred secret societies. “ (3)
On another occasion, he explains in more detail us how the Agarthans used their influence to win Earth allies.
“[The cabal’s] power was initially something we had to secretly overcome in order to carry out Heaven’s sacred decrees. It was a most difficult task since we were unable to use a number of strategies that we had been able to employ in many previous off-world scenarios against the dark. This time was one where most of you did not fully comprehend why we were here and why we had come in such great numbers. Thus, we needed to adopt a number of processes through our liaisons to win over those of the Light who had long opposed the tactics of the dark.
“These many secret organizations were watched over by your Ascended Masters who mostly resided in the Inner Earth realm of Agartha. The Agarthans frankly used their broad influence to allow us to gain a number of confidences. These were vital in putting us in the position that we are in today. We thank those of the Light who enabled us to come here and set up programs that are currently leading to your grand victory. Shortly, we intend to introduce ourselves to you and then to explain how you are to become fully consciousness.” (4)
Are there any Agarthans who have spoken to us. There are probably many. Here is Miklos of Catharia as an example:
“Greetings, it is Mikos, residing in the Hollow Earth, in the City of Catharia, way down below the Aegean Sea off Greece’s mainland.
“This is the focal point of our abode, and where you can physically find me, if you could physically go down to the depths of the Ocean and then continue about 800 miles deep. Here we reside in peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health and body and spirit. For living so deep inside the Earth has given us all we could ever dream of including our Immortality.” (5)
Residence in the Fifth Dimension constitutes “immortality” in the sense that we do not need any longer to be reborn into a physical body. That having been said, the soul is already and has always been immortal, no matter how many times it is reborn into a physical body.
His message to us is that:
“Once you are living in a peaceful state on the surface, you too will be radiating this Light from within your cells, and this light will encompass all around you and you will Light up the surface for all to witness.” (6)
Thus we’re to meet our nearest neighbors, the Agarthans, which whom we share the planet, after Disclosure. Some people like Admiral Byrd have already visited them and left records. Inner Earth contains crystal cities and galactic bases, with vegetation unlike any on the surface and many species of extinct animals.
These civilizations, hailing from Lemuria, Atlantis and earlier, are more advanced than us and have much in the way of technology to share with us.
The untruths about them will be dispelled. Their role in helping the galactics subdue the dark cabal will become known.
The Agarthans have been working hard with us to see that we avoid the catastrophes that befell Lemuria and Agratha, ascend en masse, and restore peace to Gaia’s surface.
(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update, as received by Sheldan Nidle, May 27, 2014 at https://www.paoweb.com/.
(2) “Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming,” channelled through Wes Annac, Dec. 31, 2012, channeled before Dec. 21, 2012, at https://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/12/21/the-ascended-masters-and-the-hathors-you-are-being-initiated-into-a-whole-new-paradigm-of-consciousness/.
(3) Sheldan Nidle, April 26, 2016.
(4) Sheldan Nidle, Feb. 16, 2016.
(5) Mikos of Catharia, “The Secret to Immortality is Simple,” April 1, 2009, through Diane Robbins, at https://lightworkers.org/channeling/72595/the-secret-immortality-simple-mikos-hollow-earth.
(6) Lo. cit.