Steve is on holiday until Aug. 25, 2017.
These are excerpts from a new book On Sacred Partnership. It’s not quite completed and will be posted to “Downloadable Books” as soon as it is.
We write on what we need to learn.
I my case I need to learn these arts from the ground up. Hence an in-depth introduction.
What is sacred union?
Ashira: Sacred Union is a meeting of the Souls, and this is what you are truly beginning to experience in your own evolution on Earth. Before, you used to think – I do not mean you, sweet One – but you collectively often felt that Tantra was the highest form of prolonged union, or heightened ecstasy and union. Take it twenty-two steps further – it is a union of the heart, the mind, the body – and the Soul.
And when you are in that form of Union – not only is it profound joy – it can sustain you for thousands of years. When you join with another like this – and that is what we do – the bond very rarely can or would be severed.
Now, that does not mean that we do not acknowledge that people, individuals, will go off and have assignments and missions and things that they must attend to, but the bond, the Love, the Union – does not break. It is not a whim and it is not a one-time occurrence because we also come together again and again and again and again, and each time the Sacred Union is strengthened. It is completely by choice, and yet in so many ways when it is done and in place, it is so beyond choice. It is merely the way of the Universe of Love. …
There are many forms of Sacred Union and not all of them have been addressed, for there is a wealth of information. But what I wish to say as we begin today, there is the individual Sacred Union – soul to soul, heart to heart, person to person – but there is also Sacred Unions of Collectives – of heart promises, love and caring of Collectives – so we, we of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and I do not mis-speak if I say that all of the various Commands hold this vision and this knowing, this commitment.
We are in Sacred Union with you – not only with each other, but with you – and particularly with you who are awake, who are aware not only of our presence but of our Love. To us, of course, always in honor to the Mother and to Universal Law which we will never break.
But what this Union means in a very practical sense is we tend to you, we tend to all of you, that is why right now we send you the Pink Light – Pink Cocoon. We do not betray you, we do not usurp your power, we honor you – we honor your brilliance, your Light, your commitment, your pathways. (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira Returns for a Further Discussion on Galactic Life,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 25, 2014, at
Divine Mother: Your greatest desire is to be in union – with us, with your guides, with your beloved sacred union partner, and with each other. When you enter into unity consciousness – think of it as the implosion and explosion of heart consciousness – it is you surrendering and at the same time assuming responsibility for the truth and the totality of who you are, all aspects, all parts – integrated divinity.
In unity consciousness, the fear of not being unique and special disappears because the knowing, the wisdom, the sublime bliss of being love is enough to let down your barriers and joyfully, ecstatically, without defenses – without what you would call vasanas – to join in genuine cooperation, admiration of each other, of the uniqueness of your gifts, of the unique expression you have chosen, and I have chosen for you. And so this sense that if I conjoin I lose something is gone. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at
(Continued in Part 2.)