What a most exhilarating day it is here at the Giza Plateau in Cairo, Egypt.
Our entire group of 50 spiritual initiates have just returned from the King’s Chamber from inside the Great Pyramid. A big BIG THANK YOU goes out to these incredible light servers who have spent the last 2 weeks traveling through the desert temples of ancient Egypt (during hottest time of the year) to now serve in this stellar moment of planetary shift.
I have personally been involved in this type of group work for nearly two decades and must share that this has been THE MOST powerful group experience of my life. Many of us are still trembling from this accomplished mission to encode the Particle Convergence omni wave as a group harmonic and super conductive forcefield of divine intervention for humanity’s ascension.
If you haven’t yet signed on…
There is such great hope for human evolution. We have seen the final opening of a catalytic time capsule under the Pyramid/Sphinx complex, which is now triggering the complete and final unlocking of all other purposely seeded time capsules at the central power nodes of the planetary Crystalline Grid system. These capsules are releasing the creation codes for the new morphogenetic field and race genetic as Earth progresses into its higher potential, which is anchoring a new timeline of the ‘golden eon’.
As a result of the dramatic rippling effect of these time capsule openings at pivotal locations throughout the world, our collective vision has witnessed a most powerful vacuum/ballooning effect of the planetary merkabic ascension field and its subsequent expansion. Revealing itself as a very high level field of stabilization, this insures the raising of our human race as we collectively progress into a brand new dimensional reality via the full anchoring of an invincible intergalactic bridge.
This makes so much sense as to the current ‘implosion’ the world is now experiencing of the mass consciousness grids that are aligning to the denser parallel ‘time coded’ realities. It is my understanding that the Particle Convergence is bringing in the cosmic frequencies that cause swifter dissolve of all linear based reality dimensions.
Further, many of the time coded holographic inserts of other civilizations and eras upon the Earth and those that we consider as being part of our “past”, are currently being re-scripted. This pertains mostly to those energetic frequencies that are with traumatic footprints and those energetics that are creating sustained karmic outplay… as if on a wheel of repeating patterns.
For example I have personally been involved with giving support to rewriting the timeline from World War II and those signatures that have remained as a live patterns in our planetary experience. Through this work, we are supporting the complete dissolve of the programmed inserts that keep fascism, racism, and human brutality in play.
Imagine what this type of transmission can also do for each of us individually. Those of us in Egypt are going through an immense timeline shift…. with great releases, purges, and activation that is, as a matter of speaking… “off the charts!”
We will be sharing much more about this cosmic event that is directly affecting all of us. Mostly, I want to prepare everyone who is a part of this transmission and to share ahead of your receiving of this activation.
My biggest message for you is to take this day most seriously and give yourself dedicated space for receivership. It is such an awe inspiring opportunity for accelerated timeline shift along with a big wave of initiation for your life. Again, this wave of energy is initiating your rise into the new timeline of your highest preferred resonance. So, get clear on what this might look like for you!
For those of you who have not as yet decided to receive our transmission, this is an invitation to consider the most incredible opportunity that is available to you on this very special and most powerful day of the August 21 solar eclipse.
Stay tuned for more updates…
Big hug of sunshine and love from the land of Ra.
Tiara Kumara
As a reminder…
We are Transmitting from the Great Pyramid in Egypt
Together with our group of 50 spiritual initiates, we will be transmitting direct to you direct from the Giza Plateau in Egypt, known to be a major vortex portal and interstellar gateway into higher dimensional realities.
This geographical hot spot also serves as main nodal point and ‘central power station’ of the planetary Crystalline Grid system. It is from here that we will transmit to you from inside the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
This powerful group of lightworkers is taking an active role to receive and encode the Particle Convergence and the entire “energetic” that it reflects. The two weeks prior to this transmission, this transmission group will be visiting several of the sacred temples along the Nile, culminating at the Great Pyramid.
These are same temples of initiations were used during the time of ancient Egypt and where many of our own soul aspects were also a part. Today, we return as a way to receive activation and absorb specific encodement that was programmed for release during this immense time of planetary shift.
Needless to say, we will be quite charged while coming to you through the planetary Crystalline Grid as a super amplified field of energy and channel for the Particle Convergence Transmission.
On behalf our entire Egyptian transmission team of 50 of your soul mates, we hope that you are inspired to join us in this super immense intentional transference.
Much love and namaste.
Tiara, Christof and Akasha
We are including again the podcast of the divine mission we are undertaking here in Egypt and the thought forms behind this omni wave coming into the planet during this powerful ecliptic moment.