Reader Judy Watts remembers the Harmonic Convergence.
An Insider Memory of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence
By Judy Watts, BA
With absolutely no awareness such things were possible, in my thirty-third year, I naively experienced what I much later learned was a Kundalini energy awakening. Beyond doubt it was triggered by a sexual extra-marital encounter on January 19, 1980 with a man who prophetically appeared in my life the day before.
All directional change is for a reason – particularly so in our Aquarian Age. When the cosmic umbrella is expanding to include the entire universal family of light and love and so many of us are discovering our roles in the higher realms.
I had no inkling whatsoever what was ahead – or behind – the amazing transformative process I have been so ‘lovingly’ guided through via unimaginable synchronistic direction ever since. As a single mom and dancing around the “Real Truth” on my own for decades, I sure didn’t recognize that positive input affiliated with most of my first decade of spiritual awakening experiences!
Now, as this special August, 2017 eclipse and next phase of the divine plan approaches, I’m reminded of a strategic incident – a blend of 3rd dimensional consciousness and what I now term “Light Worker Insider Intel”.
Let’s jump back thirty years to August of 1987, where I found myself driving the quiet country roads outside London, Ontario. Again! As usual on these impromptu, unplanned excursions in the middle of the night, I could feel an invisible, silent male presence to the right of me. Whose magic energy must have held my 3rd dimensional handbag choice for the summer season! Since, like most women I know, precious, safely stored purse necessities are plopped on the passenger seat when we take the wheel!
Over many years that thought of how that magic trick worked was always an undercover source of amusement to me. As soon as I became blindly aware I was not alone, I always looked down at my purse just to be sure I wasn’t missing something.
Pulling out of my driveway with a favourite CD playing, I soon felt prompted to turn it off – and tune into the drive in silence instead. And, always, this loss of freedom of choice – to do it my way – got my instinctual stubborn female back up.
While I kind of knew this male passenger was somehow real, my five common sense meters weren’t presenting anything I could record. Today – beyond fear, doubt and ridicule – evolutionary knowledge confirms what was simply “too far out there” for most of us thirty years ago. Let’s make it clear: I was definitely NEVER alone!
So, on this particular August night I was driving in silence in a south westerly direction through unfamiliar farm country back roads. As I put my foot on the brake approaching a stop sign, I suddenly found myself excitedly banging the steering wheel with the palm of my hands. Then I did something I never did before or after that particular night. I yelled out something so loud – in pure delight. “WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!!
With no sense of what the heck I was so jubilant about, I can still go into that advanced energy moment – stopped at the cross roads – looking left and right. Had anyone heard my astonishing outburst at this particular road marker? And then peering into the rear view mirror at the dark road behind for further confirmation I hadn’t blown the cover. As usual, not another vehicle in sight! Whew! It was OK to move forward again.
I had no idea what WE had done – or who WE were? Then I found it! So wrapped up in grounding my ultimate mission in a human body and without the internet in that era, I had never even heard the term Harmonic Convergence. The exact timing was easy to confirm as closer to December of 2012, I was operating on more of my multi-dimensional potential.
It was author and widely respected scientist, Jose Arquelles, who inspired and named the world’s first globally synchronized meditation event which occurred on August 16-17, 1987. He believed the meaning of the Harmonic Convergence extended into other dimensions as it closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System.
He concluded that what was occurring was a prophetic enactment on the third dimension of something foretold at a higher level in another dimension, at another time, by seers whose sole purpose was to monitor the karmic unfolding of Earth. (For more see: 2012 Biography of a Time Traveler: the Journey of Jose Arquelles.)
Was “WE DID IT” just one of those bizarre happenstance things locked away in a human memory bank? Yes…because it is surreal. That entire era was riddled with “times out of time” for me. Was my awareness so broad that what I knew needed to be subdued until the right time? That particular night marked an essential ascension portal opening for humanity. Just as so many aware “on planet” Earth Changers are identifying this August, 2017 as a crucial star gate?
It has taken over thirty years for me to accept my own unique, synchronistic journey has been and continues to be dedicated solely to aiding this unfolding. I am teamed with increasing numbers of “off planet colleagues” who I recognize in their sincerity of purpose – to awaken and fulfill our unified goals. We took on modern human attributes and form, working through the burdens of former Gaia soul incarnations. Humanity will “slip the surly bonds of Earth” because Light Workers are spreading “insider insight” to “show the way”.
And what about my male travel companion with whom I spent hours – no, make that endless, seamless eons – telepathically communicating via higher dimensional energy? There are many stories to tell about that guy. One comes to mind from the late 1990’s when one of those less frequent middle of the night summer driving adventures took me (OK – along with Mr. Invisible passenger) to the deserted Horseshoe Valley Ski resort near Barrie, Ontario. I had been teaching at the local college there since 1991.
Over the years I could almost imagine Mr. Invisible/Invincible was away on business trips and then, back on Earth time, he needed my full attention to share the latest information. And as soon as I parked in the empty lot, for the first time ever, I could hear my determined, passionate response – silently and vehemently protesting in my head. “WE HAVE TO GET MORE PEOPLE OUT!!” “WE CAN’T STOP HERE!” I wasn’t giving an inch on this one. “WE HAVE TO DO MORE!” “WE HAVE TO GET MORE PEOPLE!”
Keep in mind, throughout all of these “meet-ups” I NEVER heard his voice or knew the ideas I was responding to due to my limited consciousness communication techniques. With little effort, I can still feel myself there that night – in my driver’s seat – having one of the most important silent disagreements one can imagine….without moving my lips. All the while keeping my awareness focussed on the darkness around…in case a security guard would suddenly find me pretending to just be parked alone.
Protecting my invisible life partner to whom I’m obviously joined at the hip – at least the guy invisible and still unknown to me! The average Joe who had the authority and ways to change the world and who I guess has popped into my life in various male personas – like a Shaman or Avatar – to reassure me he exists. And that is the other part of this story.
Excerpt from The Pandora Process: It’s About Love