An organization called “Prop or Not” (Propaganda or Not) has claimed to analyze various news sites and identified those which they say are Russian-linked or Russian-leaning (i.e., accept news stories from Russia Today, etc.).
Michael told me in my last reading on Aug. 2, 2017 that he was keeping the Golden Age of Gaia under the radar. Maybe that, plus the fact that no one here follows Russia Today or Sputnik News, has meant that we haven’t made it to this wonderful listing of alternative, Disclosure-oriented, and cabal-opposing sites.
“Prop or Not” tells us:
“When an outlet establishes a pattern of behavior, by consistently, uncritically, and one-sidedly echoing, repeating, being used by, and redirecting their audiences to Russian official and semi-official state media, it is in an important sense irrelevant whether they are a paid Russian proxy, an honest true believer, or commercially opportunistic. The outcomes of serving strategically deceptive narratives to the American public are the same.
“We usually cannot know the motivations of the people involved in spreading Russian disinformation. While some investigative reporting has given us a strong idea of these motivations, motivations are ultimately less important to us than behavior. Both because we focus on outlets (websites, YouTube channels, social media accounts, etc.) rather than individuals, and because we focus on behaviors, we do not accuse individuals of deliberate wrongdoing or lawbreaking.”
Sen Joe McCarthy would approve.
Here is their list, which you may wish to keep handy to know which sites to go to. There are some really fine sites here.
An Initial Set of Sites That Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda
List v0.0.7:
Removed following constructive conversations with outlet operators:,,,,