I was directed to a broadcast of An Hour with an Angel from 2014 (1) as the result of an inquiry from a reader.
I think I re-read the interview three times, it was so interesting and relevant.
I asked Archangel Michael why things were taking so long and he responded with a superb answer that I could not possibly have understood at the time. But I understand it now.
His chief message was that, until we increase our spiritual currency of love, we’ll find the outside world not responding to our wishes.
But once we increase our bank account of love, we’ll find the tangible results showing up. A hard message to hear at the time. A hard message to hear now.
Another message – and I’ve heard it from several channels, but almost as an undercurrent – is that the speed at which we go and the distance we travel as a world depends on us.
They give us showers of energy but we have to open to them, assimilate them, ground them, etc. We have to cleanse ourselves and drop our excess baggage.
I imagine that’s not a message a lot of people enjoy hearing. And probably the Company of Heaven doesn’t enjoy saying it.
If you were the Company of Heaven, how would you motivate hundreds of thousands of lightworkers to do one thing over another?
You’d offer teachings on how wonderful it’d be if we did this. You’d offer interviews with archangels and galactics in which they explain the situation to us. What else is available to them?
They can’t force anyone in any way. They can’t impose their will on us.
They can neither make our choices for us nor act for us. This is a freewill planet. They can only teach and sometimes prod.
And teach and prod only those who are alive and awake to what’s happening. That’s a very small percentage of the total. We really are the single lever under the whole planet, so to speak.
Nonetheless I’m tired of waiting for the sound of hoofbeats. I’m being drawn ever inwards, towards what Kathleen calls “the highest vision.” Ever towards the heart. Ever towards Love.
(1) “Archangel Michael: Ignition is the Awareness that You are Love,” Nov. 2, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/11/02/archangel-michael-ignition-is-the-awareness-that-you-are-love/