I inadvertently deleted the widget for “Alternative News Sites” and had to reconstruct it.
In the course of it, I visited dozens of sites and was bombarded with news of every kind. Lightworkers are at work in so many fields.
And I get to see that we all make choices. We all specialize. Some are specializing in health; others in politics, ecology, geoengineering, adbusting, media watch, human-rights watch, on and on.
I’m not going to stray from the self-awareness path. It has its drawbacks. It can be lonely. I won’t be part of the buzz in whole areas of life after Ascension, perhaps even after the Reval.
I won’t be flying around on spaceships, attending meetings, or hobbing and nobbing.
Everyone’s deeper character will probably come shining through. I already know with certainty that mine will be monk-like.
Now that I’m situated in Paradise Valley here on the Pacific, a monkish life is where my actions seem to be taking me. I’m happy if I see two people in a day, walk around the park once, and have the rest of the day to myself to read and write.
I hunger for a quiet life. I’ll probably try to hold onto it in every way I can.
Isn’t it funny? Sharing that information was as hard for me as it may be for another to share their sexual orientation.
It’s about as risky as saying to the boss, I’m not interested in advancement and ending your career.
If things get too busy, I get tired. That’s simple resistance to a busy life.
Then I need to rejuvenate myself and pick up the self-awareness thread again. So I specialize in quiet disciplines.
I’m a specialist at feeling down into the heart and tasting bliss. That’s certainly a career-buster.
I’m a specialist at creating a lifestyle that leaves me the time and space to explore bliss, as Archangel Michael has asked me to do.
I can only get as deep as I do in my writing by leading a lifestyle like this.
Archangel Michael and I once had a conversation when it looked like I’d have to close the blog and get a job as a dishwasher.
I said to him that the impact on me, as far as writing was concerned, would be catastrophic. It’d be like a car wreck for me.
And he agreed. This kind of writing has its requirements. It can only be done in a stress-free environment, with the fewest possible attachments. (1)
Just as everyone else who has specialized has had to give up something to do so, so have I.
But bliss is worth it.
As I write this, bliss returns. I am amply repaid.
I see myself having worked over time to create this lifestyle and now I’m beginning to enjoy the rewards of it, which are love, bliss, and peace.
Oh my gosh. I hope I have the courage to post this. It really is akin to telling your boss you have no interest in your “future.” But I don’t.
I’m happy being no one, going nowhere. It’s the state I love.
(1) Stress results in muscle contraction in the body. (That may be part of a fight-or-flight response.) Contraction if repeated or held onto continually results in patterns of muscular tension in the body. These restrict the awareness. It’s as if the body just got denser than it already is. Wilhelm Reich called this “character armoring.”
Obviously I tend to shy away from that which restricts or impedes my awareness. For me that means managing stress becomes a more important issue to me than some.