I have an ongoing conversation with myself about seeking love from another.
Even though our sources have said that we can in fact get love from another (otherwise why would we be sending love out to the world?) and we can even get love from the air, I still regard my heart as the primary and adequate source of the love that I seek and need.
I seek it and predominantly get it from my own heart, my own artesian well, fountain of youth, divine source.
Love from another is a treat but not necessary. (OK, in some cases, more than just a treat. It calls forth a loving response from me.)
But it didn’t used to be that way for me. I used to think that I predominantly got love from another.
When I had a good visit with family or friends, I was filled with love – which I thought came from them.
That allowed me to get through a few days of a relatively ordinary and uninspiring life, with some wonderful events, and then I needed another visit.
I didn’t get, at that time, that the love I then felt had come from my own heart, inspired perhaps by my experience of another but coming in the main from me.
Approaching the matter from that point of view is what allows me to go through day after day, a little more isolated than most, in service to the Mother.
I haven’t got an elaborate social network of family and friends to “furnish me” with the love I need. If I wasn’t being fed from my own artesian spring, (1) I couldn’t do this work for very long.
My network is probably too small. Uriel described the impact of having a network that’s too big. We can then become fragmented:
“There has been this fractioning, this divisiveness in your life. So you have thought, ‘Well, I have to take care of my kids. I have to tend to my marriage. I have to tend to myself. Oh, and I have to earn some money and I have to do this and this and this.’ And it has been all fragmented.” (2)
Not feeling very much love at all for most of my life, (3) I became tired of this fragmented way of life and certain that life must hold more.
Surprise for me. It does. The “more” it holds is love, love, love.
I saw that after I experienced higher-dimensional love. Its various forms such as bliss, joy, satisfaction, courage, determination – all the so-called divine qualities – are themselves forms of love.
One good solid introduction was enough to have me change my point of view – and a lot else. It was liberating.
We can seek love from others if we want to. But standing where I do now, that seems like swallowing the ocean to get a fish.
We could give ourselves a break by starting a relationship with our own heart.
Start by imagining love flowing from your heart. Imagine it as a space heater, which it is. Imagine it as a bucket loader, a flowing river, a spouting geyser. Don’t stop until the moment love bursts forth.
Do that and whether your partner loves you in this moment or not ceases to be a matter of absorbing interest.
Now you have the freed-up space to really serve the Mother … or paint on the beach in Fiji … or love your kids like never before and kickstart their hearts flowing.
(1) When my wife and I were married in a Zen monastery, we were given Zen names. Mine was “Ancient Spring.”
(2) “Transcript ~ Archangel Uriel On Divine Authority, May 16, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/21/transcript-archangel-uriel-on-divine-authority-heavenly-blessings-may-16-2017/.
(3) I used to think I had a hole in my heart because I never felt love. Not much fun for the people I related to – no fun at all for those who were seeking love from me. I was Eckhart’s beggar. See Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now. Chapter, == 1. Downloaded from https://www.inner-growth.info/power_of_now_tolle/eckhart_tolle_chapter1.htm