What is my vision of what could happen after the Reval?
This is all pure fiction, creative imagination. But it reflects my wishes.
I’d like to see lightworkers arise to take on each of the needed functions that will then present themselves.
Someone would take on organizing the Lightworkers Congress. I’ll only do it as a last resort. I have enough already to keep me busy.
The Lightworkers Congress would create in-person forums for discussion, a form of membership voting, a research arm, a mechanism for pooling funds, and mechanisms for dispersing them, tracking them, reporting them, etc.
Its aim would be to pool resources to tackle problems of a global nature, like hunger, poverty, freedom from enslavement, medical care, education, etc. Oh, yes, we can. This generation can – and will – end these global problems.
I’d like to see lightworkers arise to take on the informational needs of a generation of humanitarian philanthropists. Reportage. Databases. Accounting services. Software development. Trainings. Forums. The complete spectrum of services.
Like a huge tidal wave, the results of the Reval will restructure countless ventures and initiatives and spawn countless others. And it will all be donor-driven. We need to know how to manage and run a donor-driven economy. Information is needed.
I’d like to see lightworkers using existing agencies wherever possible and whenever uncontaminated by the Illuminati.
These NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are often once removed from native folks, but they’re set up to do the work and they know as much about conditions on the ground as any non-natives.
Operating on a global scale, what we have to watch out for is cultural insensitivity. That could take the form of forcing our values on others. It could mean seeing others through our cultural lens.
It could be failing to estimate a situation correctly because we don’t know or understand local conditions or our expectations blind us to actualities. For instance, give a woman in some countries $50,000 and you may have just signed her death warrant. Our interventions will have to be planned and the pitfalls predicted.
I’d like to see lightworkers be, think, and act culturally-sensitively. It’ll be necessary; in some cases, essential. Humanitarian philanthropy on a global scale will be adult business, not child’s play. Care and attention will be needed.
I’d like to see lightworker donors realize that their donees – the ones who receive their gift – may feel themselves in a one-down position. It behooves the donor to be sensitive to that and not ask inappropriate things of them. I’d like to see a lightworker write an etiquette manual for donors and donees. And another one write an eitquette manual for the new boss and the new employee.
I’d like to see all of us be sharp and clear in our vision. We’re building a win/win world, a world that works for everyone. Let’s disregard the distractions that arise once our work begins.
Single-minded commitment to the goal, in the service of the Mother, using the Mother’s own resources. A world that works for everyone.
That’s what I’d like to see.