One of the most humane yet in-depth investigations of what’s going on in our world, with an accent on America, is Foster Gamble’s Thrive: What on Earth will it Take?
It’s been around for a while but remains one of the best treatments of the subject.
There will be many opportunities to hear the total truth of what’s going on after Disclosure and the arrival of the masters.
But Foster gives as good a ground-level view as I’ve come across. Steven Greer, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and David Wilcock also give us us stellar discussions.
As we come to the end of our collective meditations on peace and love, we’re probably as well equipped as we’ll ever be to hear or review the story of the fate of our governments, societies, cultures, etc.
Foster maintains an admirable, balanced neutrality throughout. He interviews the Economic Hit Man, Catherine Austin Fitts, Nasim Haramein, Steven Greer, David Icke, Duane Elgin (the simple life), and many others.
He doesn’t have the perspective provided by channeled literature, regrettably. We know there won’t be a World War III, ultimate debt enslavement, the triumph of Big Pharma and Big Agriculture, or the triumph of the Illuminati themselves. But most folks don’t.
2 hours and a bit. Perhaps watch in parts.