Today we offer Archangel Michael’s guidance to us on how peace is to be accomplished and when it will reign.
What is occurring is that the chaos and mayhem, whether it is within your sweet self or across the planet, becomes more abrasive, more obtrusive, more distasteful, because there is no place for it [any longer]…
It is time, sweet brothers and sisters, to set aside, to relinquish completely, any feeling, any experience [that is] what you would think of as less than love. We give you the tools. We offer to fill you up. We offer to create and co-create with thee. Allow us to do so…
Now, one of your questions is, “Michael, how, how do I simply become the observer? How can I feel justified or correct in laying aside everything, when I know that there are still missiles being dropped on innocent people? When there are women and children starving? When they are being abused? How can I do this when unfoldment in some arenas is delayed due to the mayhem or the chaos or the erratic actions, the warring actions, of others? Is that not irresponsible of me? Why would you even suggest standing back?”
In standing back, in holding the absolute vibration, frequency, and actuality, in your body, of love, of peace, you are acting as a beacon, as an anchor, as a transmitter, and you are holding the signal that nothing else is acceptable, viable, permissible upon the planet of Gaia.
We have said to thee, collectively and individually, you are billions. When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and love, then peace will reign. (1)
My purpose as archangel of peace is to anchor peace on Earth on behalf of the Mother/Father One. And until that has truly taken place, there are many other events, such as the return of particular masters, that do not and cannot take place, because the vibration is too low. So every opportunity in the physical realm, in the human realm, of bringing forth peace has need to be heartily and immediately, deeply, embraced.
There is no room for further conflict. Are these situations coming to the surface for the human collective to say, “This is too abhorrent. It cannot continue?” Yes. Have these souls died, as a soul group, to make this point? Yes.
Everybody is playing a role in this unfoldment. But the purpose, the higher purpose of the unfoldment is not to go and play political hockey, but to raise it to a joint decision on the part of all nations that this cannot continue. You are noticing that the Middle East is the cradle in this situation for the anchoring of new paradigms of peace. Are they also the places of greatest turmoil? Yes, and therefore the greatest opportunities for shift.
Are most of you traveling every night with me and with your star brothers and sisters to these places of conflict, of mayhem? Yes. Are your prayers, your meditations, your heart’s desire to create peace in these areas conjoining with the hearts of the populace that live there to create peace? Yes.
So despite these upheavals of violence, what is really happening is the people, each of you, in tandem with your brothers and sisters of these areas, is saying, “No, this simply cannot continue.” It is not a matter of which faction is right or wrong, because that is a completely gray area and it has no place, because to determine that someone is right or wrong means that they have greater favor with One, with God, with the Mother. And that is simply not so. It is an illusion of the most dim sort.
So that is what is truly transpiring. We are making many of what you think of as the political machinations, the posturing, the positioning, the jockeying, very slow right now in this situation, so that the true purpose of peace can come to the forefront and this violence simply stop. (2)
(Concluded tomorrow.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Relinquish Any Feeling Less Than Love – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Sept 2, 2014, at
(2) “Archangel Michael: Violence and War Cannot Continue – Part 1/2,” Sept. 4, 2013, at