A cast of thousands behind the scenes is staging our Ascension. They’re responsible for the production side, more or less.
What we’ve been tasked with is building Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.
You probably had no trouble with “building Nova Earth” but perhaps an involuntary laugh at the thought of “a world that works for everyone.”
Tee hee. How can a world be made to work for everyone????
Let me put the matter this way. The Fifth Dimension, from the very minor experiences I’ve had of it so far, is characterized by Divine Qualities such as love, bliss, peace, joy, to name a few.
None of these is like anything we’ve known in our everyday lives. It was completely unknown territory to me. OK, OK, a few brief stopovers on the way to somewhere else. Seconds or minutes a year.
But we use the same names for both the everyday and non-everyday kind of quality. And that’s where things get confusing.
I’m going to follow the Divine Mother’s example, when she talked about “sacred love” for what I was calling “transformative love” and Jesus, “real love.” (1) I’m going to say “sacred bliss” and “sacred peace” as well because that phrase does suggest the gulf between, say, ordinary love and higher-dimensional love.
The point I want to make is that, when one is in the state of sacred love, sacred bliss, or sacred peace, one would never harm anyone. All one wants is that others share the same state of consciousness. There’s nothing in the world one wants for oneself except more sacred love, bliss, peace, etc.
The world works for one who enjoys sacred love, bliss, or peace. At some point in time, that’ll be all of us. But for now, it’s known only to a few of us and those few, lightworkers.
A world that loves is a world that works. When all of us experience sacred love, this world will automatically work. That comes with Ascension.
What you and I are doing is getting out ahead of the parade and finding the most direct route to get there as early as we can. Loving, now, is exactly what’s required to make this world work.
We’re all headed for a world so loving, so blissful, and so peaceful that everyone is naturally and normally happy. The state we’d be in then I call the “Natural Self.” It’s who we are without the overburden of issues and upsets, patterns and programs.
To speed the process along, I recommend anyone who wishes to ask for love, bliss, or peace. Open to them. Imagine them. Draw love or bliss up from our hearts on the in-breath and send it out to the world on the out-breath. Imagine love. Remember bliss. Prefer peace. Express only love.
Meanwhile I’m still here, knowing the punchline, understanding how this rivetting movie ends. And it’s such a great ending that I want to share it with everyone, whether or not they intend to see the movie. I can’t be quiet on this one. Never mind the stock market. Listen.
We’re all headed for a world that works for everyone.
All those people who value the pursuit of happiness? This is your destination, your stop. Congratulations!
Just knowing how the movie ends is for me endlessly exciting and gripping. I can’t suppress my excitement. The ending eclipses anything done or said by the corrupt and foolish while being everything I ever could have wanted or wished for.
(1) Divine Mother: Why (laughing) can we not call it ‘Mother Love’?
Let us call it Sacred Love. …
Now, you have yearned to know love and this yearning has expressed in many simply as yearning, but many of you – most of you and this is part of your ascension – are breaking through that barrier as well, and coming to what you, dear Steve, have called ‘Bliss’ – what many call awakening, expansion – it matters not. But into that knowing and that experience of such unlimited, unconditional, unrestricted bliss, exuberance, joy – all of this is love. (“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” December 29, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/12/31/new-years-message-2017/.)
Jesus: Truly, although you do need to care for it sensibly, your human body is a distraction because you are so aware of it to the exclusion of what is real Love, and whose flame burns always within you maintaining your eternal existence. And yet you seek It, quite unknowingly, without, where It can never be found.
Love is the energy field in which all exists. (Jesus through John Smallman, Jan. 30, 2015, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.)
Here is the Arcturian Group: You are ready and it is time to move more fully into a consciousness of real Love–Love that is free of limiting three-dimensional concepts and that you live and express in every experience of daily living. (Arcturian Group, Jan. 29, 2017, at https://www.onenessofall.com/. )