We write about that which we need to know.
I don’t know the whole panorama in which free will, personal responsibility, the desire to control, choice, victimization all swirl around together and appear as the round of life in which each of us is embedded.
So I wanted to see what our sources were saying on the matter and this series is my report.
Full bibliographic entries appear below.
Can we explore the law of free will please? I don’t feel I have a firm grasp of it. Could we begin by restating it perhaps?
Matthew Ward: The law of free will is a cosmic law decreeing that it is the birthright of all souls to choose their pathway toward or away from spiritual enlightenment. (MW 2005)
Matthew Ward: All souls have free will regardless of their evolvement status, whether living in spirit worlds or physical civilizations, or their location in the universe. (MW 2011)
Hilarion: Each individual has the right to express and act on their own inner convictions of what they feel is the right thing to do and it behooves everyone to begin to respect each other no matter what the diversity of their opinions and convictions are. Everyone has the right of free-will choice because you live on a free-will planet and that is what it means to live on a free-will planet!
It is the right of each individual to access their internal sovereignty and use their Divine wisdom and knowledge to make free-will choices in that which they feel is the right and good thing to do. Because opinions differ does not mean that those you oppose are less than you – all it means is that they walk to a different beat. All that means is that they have taken the time to go within and choose that which they believe is the right choice to make.
These current times are all about choosing to follow your own star, to walk in joy, to do those things that bring you joy, that bring you happiness. It is not required that you need the outer world to dictate to you what can bring that joy to you, it is all within you and it has always been within you – for that is where the Divine lives – within you! (HIL)
So even benevolent, higher-dimensional beings cannot interfere with our free will?
Matthew Ward: Souls at this vibrational level cannot impose assistance, much less our will, upon any of you. Because Earth is YOUR world, changes there must be by your choice, and beings in any light station are bound to respect your collective desires, interests and intentions. (MW 2004 2)
Matthew Ward: Everyone’s free will must be honored in accordance with Creator’s edict to rulers of all the universes. (MW 2014)
Creator established the cosmic laws and God, by whatever name one calls the Supreme Being of this universe, must honor those laws in this universe. (MW 2004 3)
SaLuSa: Even God does not force God’s will upon you, but there are laws that are applied should it cause harm to others, or interfere with their freewill.
Yet as you evolve and set your sights on returning to the higher dimensions, you learn that there comes a stage where you gladly accept the Will of God. It becomes the most natural and desirable advancement, as you become a Being of Light. (SAL 2011)
What are the spiritual mechanisms behind the law of free will and how do they operate?
Matthew Ward: Rulers of the universes are bound to honor Creator’s gift of free will to every soul, and God (1) incorporated that edict in the laws that govern life in this universe.
Like everything else in existence, the laws are energy and energy has no reasoning ability, no capacity for prioritizing or decision-making about anything whatsoever. All energy can do is vibrate at one frequency or another in accordance with how it is used, and in our explanation, it is how people who live on Earth use it.
The orderly functioning of the universe requires a continuous balancing act to keep vibrational frequencies from becoming lopsided, so to say; and as microcosms of the universe who in every moment affect the state of it, souls have their own balancing acts. Prior to birth, they—or better said, all of us!—enter into agreements with other souls, and within the agreements are all of the participants’ individual contracts that include whatever they need to balance other lifetimes. That “whatever” is karma.
However, because Creator decreed that free will takes precedence overall, everything in the contracts—that there even is a contract—must be forgotten when souls embody.
Actually, this is a good arrangement—otherwise every lifetime would be merely following some schedule instead of freely making decisions and learning from the results. And, guidance in line with contracts is permitted via the soul’s messages to the consciousness, but everyone has the free will to heed that guidance or stray far afield. Either way, souls incur karma and it is neither “good” nor “bad”—it is the means whereby the last lifetime can be balanced in the next one by completing the karma, or karmic lessons, in the soul contract. (MW 2015)
(1) By this Matthew means the God of this universe, not Prime Creator, the Source, the One.
Are there any other mechanisms operating that we should know about?
SaLuSa: Freewill is a gift from the Creator that is sacred and covered by the Law of Attraction. Human beings sometimes blame others or God for their experiences, but in truth they are attracted to you by your thoughts and actions. How else could freewill operate, and you may ponder how amongst millions of people it is possible. It is because every aspect of your lives is planned, and you are each part of soul groups that come together with the purpose of gaining experience.
We hear some question where freewill comes in, but there would be no plan unless you exercised it prior to incarnating. Freewill is still your prerogative, but having agreed to a plan for your life you are drawn to those people and experiences that will help fulfil it. Your Guides are also very active in keeping you on track, but the final word is with you. (SAL 2009 2)
Tomorrow we’ll look at how we routinely violate each other’s free will, usually without realizing it.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
AAM 2012 “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 1/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at https://the2012scenario.com/2012/12/archangel-michael-on-211212-and-other-ascension-related-matters-part-12/.
AAM 2017 Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.
JES Jesus through John Smallman, March 30, 2016, at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
HIL Hilarion, Nov. 15, 2016, at https://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage.htm
MW 2004 1 Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
MW 2004 2 Matthew’s Message, May 7, 2004.
MW 2004 3 Matthew’s Message, Nov. 12, 2004.
MW 2005 Matthew’s Message, Aug. 5, 2005.
MW 2011 Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
MW 2014 Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014.
MW 2015 Matthew’s Message, April 22, 2015.
MW 2016 Matthew’s Message, June 19, 2016.
SAL 2009 1 SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
SAL 2009 2 SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2009.
SAL 2010 1 SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.
SAL 2010 2 SaLuSa, May 26, 2010.
SAL 2010 3 SaLuSa, Nov. 26, 2010.
SAL 2011 SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.