(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.)
The gift of the galactics’ life-force energy, Porlana C, is allegedly providing a significant boost to us on our road towards Ascension.
In order to get information on it out quickly, I use a question-and-answer format.
A bibliography follows the body of the article.
What relationship has the flood of this new energy to Ascension?
Ashira: We are sending this to assist you as your family, as your comrades, as your colleagues, as your friends to assist you in this journey. (ASH)
Grener: You have whispered, shouted, yelled, and prayed for the completion of your ascension process, which we are all witnessing and supporting however we might.
And because you have been infused, first by the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, which continues on and we receive as well by the way, and then the Tsunami of One from the masters and the archangels, now you are ready.
The infusion of this energy is, in many ways, to help you, assist you to make that final jump, that quantum leap through that permanent portal of Ascension. (GR)
Why was this wave of energy sent last to us?
Galea: It is by no means the last wave of energy that will be sent to human beings, to Gaians or to this planet, but it’s certainly the most recent.
You had need to know what the divine energy, the divine feminine, the Mother/Father/Unified One – that energy of Love – felt like. And in that penetration through the Mother’s Blue Diamond, through the Tsunami of Love, it was like an initial washing-away and an infusion of such magnitude that in many situations you didn’t really know what hit you. And in many ways for some, it was a literal baptism, an immersion into an energy field that you had not ever previously experienced.
Then you have been penetrated by the masters, by the archangels, by the seraphim, by the angelic realm in the Tsunami of One. And that has given you another sensation and experience, upgrade, raising in frequency, solidifying the frequencies that you were holding so that you became familiar with that.
Now you are being penetrated by we who are your Star family – literally your Star family – and in that, this is a frequency that has every potential to become individually and collectively your “new normal.” (GAL 2)
It is an energy that has not heretofore been shared or made available to you because you were not ready, and you were not of a construction or of a light quotient, either individually or collectively, that could truly incorporate the level of this energy without harm. It would have been too intrusive and your body cells, your atoms, were not organised in such a way as to be able to smoothly incorporate this energy. (ASH)
Is there a deeper significance to “sheer energy”?
Divine Mother: I did not birth you as angel, starseed, intergalactic, earthkeeper, healer, teacher, or warrior. I birthed you as sheer energy – clear, brilliant and without form. (DM)
Why do you do this work?
Galea: Not to interfere with what it means to be human, because what it means to be human is not living in pain. So we are doing it because we love you and we want to help you be at a vibration – not that is blowing your circuits, which is what happens when you are fully in the Mother’s energy; you can’t hold that consistently as yet; you are getting there! – but to simply increase it so that you don’t feel that you’re in this revolving door. (GAL 2)
This is a very valuable gift you are giving us.
Ashira: This is a gift of monumental proportions. (ASH)
Grener: It is the most precious gift, as your star family, as galactics and intergalactics, that we can give you. So often you say, “I want my replicator. I want my healing chamber. I want free energy.” But our preface – and we have already seeded so many of those ideas on your planet anyway – but our preface to our full arrival is this gift of our life-force, our love-force. (GR)
Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation: Every day, Spirit is giving us a new gift. This gift symbolizes the new energies and sacred vibrations from Heaven. Heaven’s divine message is for us to graciously take in these new vibrations. They are enabling us to accept our hidden divinities and learn to accept all that is permitting us to truly feel this in every aspect that is a growing part of our essences. It is these new energies that are a simple key to our spirit’s growth. Humanity has not been so blessed until this time. (SHGF)
AG Arcturian Group, Jan. 5, 2017, at https://onenessofall.com
ASH “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira Of UFOG ~ The Gift Of “Porlana C” Sheer Energy, January 3, 2017,” Jan. 11, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/01/11/transcript-commander-ashira-ufog-gift-porlana-c-sheer-energy-january-3-2017/.
DM The Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Linda Dillon: 2013, p. 47.
GAL 1 “Transcript ~ Commander Ashira Of UFOG ~ The Gift Of “Porlana C” Sheer Energy, January 3, 2017,” Jan. 11, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/01/11/transcript-commander-ashira-ufog-gift-porlana-c-sheer-energy-january-3-2017/.
GAL 2 “Transcript ~ Galea of Neptune Returns to Speak of Intergalactic Language & Porlana C, Jan 31, 2017,” February 20, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/20/transcript-galea-neptune-returns-speak-intergalactic-language-porlana-c-january-31-2017/.
GR “Grener of Ashira: We Come in Peace,” March 5, 2017 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/05/grener-of-ashira-we-come-in-peace/.
LIE “Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop: Conversation With The Arcturians,” January 20, 2017, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/?p=286183.
SG St. Germaine on An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 12, 2017, at https://inlightuniversal.com/st-germaine-on-personal-and-global-healing-an-hour-with-an-angel/
SHGF SHGF through Sheldan Nidle, Mar. 1, 2017, at https://www.paoweb.com