(Continued from Part 1.)
Impact on the Individual
Sandra has told us that photonic light is dissolving the denser energies. She now tells us that, once we’ve assimilated the new energies, the old energies will no longer exert a hold on us.
“When you resonate with timeless presence and surrender your concerns with the old denser, dissolving illusion you will notice a freedom and casualness about what the lower reality is projecting as it breaks apart.
“It is not that the lower reality does not matter [but] it will feel like you are abandoning that realm altogether as your consciousness experiences/reunites with your Higher Selves.” (1)
I experience that more and more these days. I find it harder and harder to keep my attention on the world. It’s almost at times as if I’m forgetting it.
We can expect to be fatigued as we embody the higher frequencies, she tells us.
“Remember you are embodying higher frequencies in order to transform the lower vibrations. It is somewhat exhausting as the body experiences consistent state[s] of tired and wired.
“The dramatically higher photonic light quotient coming on to the planet can be uncomfortable to the physical, while simultaneously expanding the heart and higher consciousness.” (2)
So we’re warned to expect fatigue and discomfort. I’ve experienced increased fatigue lately and the absence of a memory is certainly uncomfortable.
Sandra points out that we need to surrender our stories and the core issues that go along with them if we want to align with and benefit from the photonic energies. Many lightworkers are offering us ways to get underneath our upsets and issues. Sandra offers another:
“Willingness to surrender the old Self, old stories, and all of the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment.” (3)
The “old Self” is the constructed self. The “old stories” are the self-serving versions of events we arrive at to establish our self-importance. Everything that’s not part of the natural self or vital to its functioning has to go. She counsels:
“Look to your Wayshowers for guidance; there is great wisdom and perspective available from the folks who faced the unknown ahead of the crowd.” (4)
She points out – and I love the way she puts it – that “the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot.”
“Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot, so your Higher Self will direct as a Presence through the physical. You’ll be directed through the heart to share, prepare, or be in certain places at certain moments in order to assist.” (5)
Again listen to our heart. It’ll say yes or no. Listen to our inner guidance, the voice that whispers in our ear.
She tells us that the photonic light, which comes from Divine Mother, “the Cosmic feminine aspect of Source … opens the gateways of the heart and Ascension column.” (6) Therefore, our love quotient increases.
“In my experience, the overwhelming light intelligence of love overrides all lower-level constructs. No matter what the day brings, no matter what lower self/old self challenges present, there is a consistent love, peace and harmony within. As this light increases, the heart becomes a photonic generator for Solar beingness, the Christed state of crystalline consciousness.” (7)
I believe Sandra has just described gradual ascension.
We’re learning that we are and will be multidimensional. Sandra is pointing at a blended being drawing on many dimensions and having perfected many qualities. I’d be happy to land in that place.
Under the impact of the photonic light, things that were unperceived before now become visible and comprehensible.
“One of the most significant attributes of this state is perception; the Higher Self does not perceive things in the same way as the lower/old self. As the Higher Self takes over, the attachment to lower concerns releases its grip on this reality and allows the higher reality to take over.
“That perception is priceless; it reveals that all is indeed well; all is unfolding in alignment with Divine Will.” (8)
DNA is key to the changes presently occurring, Sandra tells us. Our DNA is being bombarded by photonic light.
“DNA is key to shifting the form to a new experience. Currently our DNA is receiving a much higher level of photonic stimulation, which triggers codes of Ascension and embodiment of pure Source light (Christ/Unity consciousness). This is why so many are experiencing the *phasing out* of this reality, as well as the revelation of new realities.
“As you command your DNA to activate and rebundle, the new physical template begins to resonate with the higher accelerated timelines, and new experiences can be anchored in your consciousness, and makes them available for the collective. (9)
What Archangel Michael calls “interdimensional slippage,” Sandra calls a “blinking out” of new states of consciousness.
“Your DNA is flipping between dimensions, providing a new experience for the body and mind. The blinking in and out of different states of consciousness is a widespread sensation. It can feel disorienting, frightening or fascinating depending on your perspective. …
“Many will be receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, which are already available, as the Galactics and Masters experiment with weaving this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits. It overrides the programs stepping down the light, so expect it to feel very new, very different (and very brilliant!).
“To you, dear Wayshowers, we send our love and strength as you inhabit new realms of consciousness on behalf of the collective.” (10)
Many openings will occur for us. She invites us to observe and take note of them. And she furnishes us with really sound spiritual advice put in more easily-understandable language than the discussions we may be used to in the old Third.
“It’s a reap-what-you-have-sown passage as the magnetics shift to support the higher reality.
“Take note of the shifts in your consciousness – the expansion, the freedom, the love, the divinity, the purity, the ability to interact with the higher realms, the expansion of your creativity. Rejoice in your Ascension. This will assist the psychological levels. Avoid lower-level choices to be tortured by the energy or play the victim. Evolution is difficult; change can be challenging. It is what it is. Be here, now, with the experience.
“The more that you can resonate with the emerging Solar Light within the planet and HUman heart grid, the faster (and easier) you will be able to embody the higher state of consciousness in a permanent way. It is there to assist you. Choose wisely moment to moment. The tones (the high-pitched frequencies hitting the vagus nerve) and intensity of the light vibrations running through your meridians are accelerating at a very rapid rate.” (11)
We wanted a How to Manual on Ascension and Sandra appears to be writing it. Other planets going through Ascension will surely benefit, as well as us.
Tomorrow we’ll look at the impact of the photonic light on society at large.
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) Sandra Walter, “Perspective and Guidance for the Now,” May 19, 2016, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2016/05/19/276876/.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension,” May 28, 2016, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2016/05/28/june-gateway-owning-ascension/.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5)Loc. cit.
(6) “Sandra Walter: Welcoming the NOW Year: Assisting the Global Trajectory,” January 1, 2017, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2017/01/01/sandra-walter-welcoming-now-year-assisting-global-trajectory/.
(7) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension,” May 28, 2016, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2016/05/28/june-gateway-owning-ascension/
(8) “Immaculate Perception: The Lens of the New Self,” by Sandra Walter, July 11, 2016, at https://www.sandrawalter.com/immaculate-perception-the-lens-of-the-new-self/.
(9) “Cosmic Trigger: Assisting the Acceleration,” by Sandra Walter, December 6, 2016, at https://www.sandrawalter.com/a-sacred-passage-for-transformation/.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Sandra Walter, “Perspective and Guidance ,” ibid.