We hear of President Trump building a wall to keep illegal Mexican migrants out, renewing the black prisons in other countries where American targets are tortured, reinstating the global gag order aimed at ending abortions, etc.
Jesus addressed this time back in May of last year. Let me repost his comments here as material for reflection.
These are interesting times! Much is happening in the physical realms that is quite unprecedented. The stability of many of your “democratic” governments is no longer assured as dissatisfaction with the whole political process among the citizens of these various countries increases. And the elected officials seem either unaware of the situation or are unwilling to address it.
From such situations revolutions arise. Enormous changes are about to occur that will amaze and shock you as the real agendas of many in positions of power and authority over you are disclosed by disaffected minions and employees. Whistle-blowers are appearing everywhere with information that has been withheld but which should have been in the public domain. As this continues so does people’s dissatisfaction and that leads to change. In this case to enormous change!
All the disclosures about endemic corruption in high places are happening as a result of humanity’s collective decision to awaken from the dream. What has lain hidden for so long can no longer be kept hidden, and as more and more of the endemic corruption is exposed it becomes apparent to all sane beings that change is essential. Therefore, change will occur. We have been telling you this for some time now so that you will be ready, and many changes are imminent.
It probably seems to many that we have been using words and phrases like “soon, imminent, very close, sooner than you can imagine,” with a cavalier disregard for the way time unfolds on Earth. This is most definitely not the case. It takes time for the importance and inevitability of the forthcoming changes we are talking of to root themselves in your awareness so that you strengthen your collective intent to bring them to fruition.
That is what has been happening over the last few years as more and more people have become aware of the corruption and dishonesty that is endemic worldwide within the governments, international corporations, large banks, and global industrial behemoths, that those who run them have consistently told you are honest and trustworthy. You now know that this is not the case, and you very recently made the collective decision to dissolve the old system so that a new and incorruptible one that benefits all of humanity can be constructed to replace it.
As you well know, war is the business of large industrial corporations and the banks that fund them and they make fortunes from the suffering of the masses. That is to change. Small groups of inordinately wealthy, influential, and powerful people have been in control of global economics and politics for far too long, and their reign is coming to an abrupt end. Much of the strife that is presently ongoing across the planet is as a result of their last ditch attempts to maintain their positions of power by causing conflicts and intense suffering in as many places as possible to create fear on a vast scale. They then hope to militarize even more of the world so that they can lock it down and continue to control you. They will not succeed!
Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of the frustration you are experiencing as you wait expectantly for the promised changes that will establish peace on Earth, and food, shelter, and security for all on the planet. Humanity has set the collective intent for these changes to occur, and therefore they will. Truly the power of your collective intent is immense, you have chosen collectively to awaken, and so you will. You are already in the process of doing so, and there is not the slightest possibility of you changing your minds or reversing your awakening process. What you have collectively chosen to achieve is unstoppable.
(1) Jesus through John Smallman, May 23, 2016, at httpss://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/.