In a personal reading I had with him on Nov. 5, 2016 through Linda Dillon, I asked Archangel Michael to discuss heart openings. The topic tends to be misunderstood.
In the course of the discussion, he tells us new things about the heart – that it has several apertures, not just the hridayam that Vedantists describe. That’s entirely new to me.
He tells us that a heart opening is not determined by length of time meditating, but depth of meditation.
Thanks to Linda Dillon for our reading and to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: The precipitate, the big question that presents itself to me and I would hope to others – but I don’t know about that – is how to open the heart because for me, when my heart opened some time ago, life completely changed. It was a total shift. I was, well certainly in a higher state; I don’t know if I was in a higher dimension.
And how can others open their hearts and how can it be discussed because people, when you talk about this they think “I’m close hearted. I’m not compassionate” and of course I’m not saying anything of the sort. So can you help me with that whole question? How does a person open their heart?
AAM: Yes, it is not a matter of being, in your current terminology, “close hearted.” What it is is heart opening and expansion into heart awareness, into the love. Let us make it very simple.
Heart opening is simply an expansion or a shift into the deeper, broader, higher connection with love. It is the connection, and the participation in that connection, to all.
Now, I wish, yes I do wish, that I could give you the two-minute answer. Do A, B, C and D and you will be there. But it is not like that and one of the reasons…
And by the way you are in a higher state of consciousness, higher state of being in yes … in a higher dimensionality as well. They are very interconnected, not completely aligned but interconnected.
But it doesn’t matter because what happens is people become obsessed with both the mechanics, the layers (I am in the Fifth, I am in the Eighth…). It matters not.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)