I’ll post, below, a companion piece to this article: The Self-Serving Bias: The Chief Barrier to Life Working
See also a related, article, Dropping the Need for Profile.
One of the deepest urges we have, aside from the longing for love/liberation, is the desire to feel, and be recognized as, important.
The ironic thing is that all of us are important because all of us are – 100% – God.
So we feel important now and we discover that we are important then. The difficulty arises between now and then.
Between now and then we need to dissolve the form of the “I” we call the ego.
For most of us, the one that feels important is the ego. It’s what constantly wants affirmation, even obedience, what feels ever insecure about its safety and survival, and what’s keeping us anchored to Third-Dimensional patterns and conditioning.
The ego was once useful, but isn’t suited to a higher-dimensional clime. It must now yield place for the uncovering or unveiling of an even more important “I” (us in our Fifth-Dimensional merkebah or light body).
We’re not sitting around theorizing or hashing things over. We’re past that. We’re acting. We’re deconstructing the ego.
All our core issues and conditioned behavior? All our masks and constructed selves? They’re all expressions of the ego.
By raising them to awareness, and simply being with them, we deconstruct them. And we’ve being doing that for years now. (Too late. You can’t go back. You’re committed. Buckle up).
Our work goes beyond intellectual knowledge. It’s experiential: We feel release from our vasanas and joy-filled. We stop acting from conditioned behavior and feel relief return to our lives. We feel the first intimations of peace and happiness.
Sometimes our work is realizational: We have a sudden insight into a problem, an Aha! moment, or realization. Perhaps it’s a peak experience, transformational moment, or spiritual awakening. For some it may be enlightenment.
Without its vast structure of vasanas and conditioned responses, the ego is a burnt rope. Eventually the mind forgets the stimulation of the ego’s drama of worry, hope, and fear. It quiets down and we reap our reward.
If I’m going to succeed in laying down my ego, there’ll be a transition period during which I’ll probably look gawky.
Trying on modesty and humility while not appearing like a self-righteous jerk will be challenging.
Shall I follow the thread of “importance” higher or cleanse myself of it?
The former is the absolute path, a dangerous path, often bombastic, risking the survival of the ego.
Up that path went Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco and all the other narcissistic dictators. That path brings destruction to nations.
I know I need to avoid it. I don’t need to be corrected or reminded.
That only leaves the relative path: Cleansing myself of egoistic importance. The slower and more gradual route, the more peaceful path where life is enjoyed in the heart, in the center. This is definitely the route for me. On this path, we travel in love and bliss to a world of love and bliss, one we never have to leave.
If there’s a problem for me in all of this, it lies in remembering.