I went back and forth on whether I should post this. It sounds self-serving.
But, as I confirmed with AAM in this same reading, I’m being used as a (willing) subject and so I can’t excise the news of success because I’m worried about sounding self-promoting. If I do, the whole ethnographic account won’t be there and its value goes down accordingly.
Perhaps hear it, if you would, as if it were addressed to you because he says here repeatedly, if indirectly, that it is.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 23, 2016. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Archangel Michael: Welcome. Welcome to you, my beloved brother of blue, radiant by the way, this day and most days. Yes, there are little hurdles here and there but, by and large, my sweet friend, you are doing well!
And it is important, both above and below, that you not only acknowledge that, but that you give yourself the credit for that. Yes, you are filled with the radiance of the Mother, the Father, the One, but we all are. (1)
There is a curiosity that sometimes – well, often actually – occurs among the human realm and that is the gifts, the bounty, the wonders of the Mother are literally laid at the doorstep, above [and beyond] the penetration that is happening to all.
But though the bounty of the Mother is laid at the doorstep of many human beings, rather than opening that door and bringing in the gifts that are offered, many simply say, “Oh no thanks. Not today.”
You do not do that.
Steve: Well, I’m hungry for the gifts.
AAM: Yes, you are and when you walk, (2) when you lie upon your bed, (3) when you write – when we write – (4) what you are saying is let the gifts flow and you open your heart to receive and, my friend, you are receiving more than even you know.
Yes, some of it anchors within what you think of as your conscious, the variations of consciousness within you, and some of it doesn’t and that does not matter.
Because the open heart is all that really counts, because that is the doorway. That is the portal. That is the realm by which all of these gifts become part of you.
So even though you think that perhaps things are not happening quickly enough (and I would agree with you there by the way and we’ll talk about that), you, my beloved brother, are going forth and transforming. Now I do not say this in any way [of] self-interest or that this is only about you. Because as you well know; it is not. (5)
But when you open the portal to your heart, when you say, I accept the gifts with glee and grandeur, then what happens is you are helping to set the new paradigm for human beings. So you are sending an alert, as it were, to all those human beings who say, “Oh no thanks, not today.”
You are changing the energy field, the fabric, the tapestry, the design of the human collective. So do not underestimate the work you are doing, not only in what you think of as the seen or the tangible realm, but also in the unseen realm.
Now, where do you wish to begin?
(1) Notice him drawing attention away from me and onto all of us. This is the first indirect comment that persuades me that he wants this posted and that its domain of applicability is widespread among lightworkers, lightholders, activists, etc.
(2) I’ve taken to the practice of walking very slowly – a philosopher’s pace – along the streets I live on at the moment, which have huge umbrageous firs on both sides, like a cathedral. AAM’s naming of this is evidential, to any who may be skeptical of who is speaking.
I’m put in mind of two wake-up calls he’s given me: (1) “Dear heart, do you know who you’re speaking to?” (2) And on another occasion: “If I can’t protect you, nobody can.” I fall asleep and have to keep waking up to who it is I’m speaking to.
(3) I spend a lot of time lying on my bed contemplating. Again he shows he knows this.
(4) That’s interesting. AAM has just confirmed that “we” write. That does build confidence.
(5) So what he is saying about me could be said about many, many lightworkers.