Since this article was posted, Archangel Michael said on An Hour with an Angel, May 19, 2016, that there were no foreign troops on American soil. The work this articles does is still valid, however, and so I leave it up.
I feel the need to add a word to my earlier article on supporting the President. (1)
I’m aware of reports of the presence of foreign troops on American soil – Gurkhas, Spetsnatz, etc. (2)
Most people aware of them are not aware of the presence of a galactic force above them, that listens in on everything and could stop any conflagration cold.
They aren’t aware that our own terrestrial leaders are working with the galactics and their higher authorities to ensure that America makes a safe transition back to democracy, justice, and abundance.
Matthew Ward said some time ago:
“Readers have asked if the following assertions are true: An asteroid is going to destroy Earth in September. A militarized police force will round up dissidents in the United States and incarcerate them in FEMA-operated camps. Foreign troops have been brought in to kill Americans because US military won’t shoot their own citizens. …
“This or that ‘red flag’ terrorist act will be the excuse for imposing martial law. …
“Those are samples of distorted information, uninformed opinions or skewed interpretations, long-outdated contingency plans, long-outdated potential land/sea changes, scare-tactic lies, or falsehoods in messages channeled by base entities claiming to be respected light sources.” (3)
Restricting ourselves to martial law, he informed us in 2008:
“Russia will not engage in a major war and neither will China; and martial law will not be declared to postpone the US election and keep the Bush administration in power – a dramatic event would be needed to achieve that, and technologically advanced souls off-planet and living among you would prevent that kind of attempt.” (4)
Advanced off-planet souls would prevent it. Again in 2008, he explained:
“Since my mother is still receiving emails from people who are alarmed about those reports of worldwide evacuation plans as well as various prophesied types of dire happenings like the imminent imposition of martial law, millions will be rounded up and put in concentration camps, belligerent ETs will invade your planet, and all-out nuclear wars brewing, I think there cannot be too much emphasis upon discernment and intuition.
“Furthermore, our repeated assurances that NONE of those will befall you seem to fly out the window each time a fear-filled report makes the Internet rounds. The light will not permit any such reversal in its ever-increasing intensity, and Earth did not endure many, many centuries of the tyranny and bloodshed that caused all the negativity, just to have her current beloved inhabitants experience more of it!” (5)
“The light will not permit any such reversal in its ever-increasing intensity.” That statement I agree with.
It isn’t only Matthew who has said there’ll be no martial law. The channeled messages from the folks in charge of the shift refer to calamities such as martial law not occurring. Here for instance is SaLuSa discussing it but also confirming that, if the troop build-up were cabalistic, the galactics would easily defeat it.
“The dark Ones have been subtle in their plan to exercise complete control over you. So much so, that few of you have even suspected that there was a plan to imprison you by taking away your rights. Believe us, Dear Ones, it was well advanced and near to completion, with an attempt to create a situation that would have led to Martial Law and total control.
“Have no fear, the matter is now in our control and their power bases are being held in check. As we so often inform you, nothing will be allowed to interfere with your Ascension. We are here to see that all proceeds as divinely planned.” (6)
If there are Gurkhas and Spetsnaz on American soil, well, I have my own personal view about it. Not like it’s right or true or better than any one else’s estimation.
But here it is. I don’t believe, with highly-evolved beings shepherding an upward shift in consciousness on this planet and everything that goes with it (abundance, transition in American government, disclosure, technological revolution, spiritual explosion) and given that they’re served by millions of advanced folks in ships from this and other galaxies, above us, usually invisible, that it’s possible for the cabal to mount an effort like martial law any more.
I don’t believe that Gen. Joseph Dunsford could have made the progress he’s made without being totally aware of the presence of foreign troops on American soil. Yet he’s said nothing about it (and I’d expect him to do so if it presented a problem).
“The folks in the rafters,” as Poof used to call them, would mention it if it was a problem. But they’ve been silent on the subject, so far as my curtailed research (post-operative recovery) suggests to me. That’s consistent with keeping the subject under wraps during a preparatory phase.
This is perhaps as close as they may come to mentioning it, if Mike Quinsey is indeed referring to it:
“Events on Earth are … speeding up. Powerful groups have been formed that will back up the people of the Light, who are striving for ‘Disclosure,’ and much progress has been made.” (7)
Disclosure would of course result in anxiety on the part of some people. And the cabal might try to hijack it. I can well see friendly foreign troops being used in that situation. I’m not a person who sees Russia as a threat to us. President Putin has been doing brave work in eradicating threats to peace, some of which, like ISIS, trace back to us.
The Revaluation and the Global Currency Reset also could evoke some public unrest or a cabal false flag. It means the end of the cabal’s hold on the economy and, so far, they’ve been fighting it tooth-and-nail.
Add to that the cleaning out of the American political system and the restoration of the Republic and there are plenty of reasons for the presence of stabilizing foreign troops.
Not all American police forces or armed-forces units are reliable. One has only to check Youtube to see countless examples of immoral and unethical behavior by forces whose mission is to protect us. I believe that the folks in charge may have determined that this complement of foreign troops is what they need to keep peace, law and order during the major events ahead.
I don’t have the confidence to say that I think American white hats, alone, have the resources they need to keep the peace in, say, a transition of power in the United States or a nullifying of various documents that make America a corporation rather than a democracy, despite the incredible service and risks they’ve taken.
The Navy in particular and the Pentagon in general are and have been working to ensure a smooth transition. I think they can expect the loyalty of large portions of the military. But there could be significant holdouts.
For these reasons, I refuse to believe that, at this late date, troops from other countries would be in the United States for nefarious purposes.
As you know, I’m recovering from surgery and haven’t the wherewithal to do current research on the matter. It’s covered in quite a detailed manner on the following webpage: The subject was discussed a few years ago (2008) but the statements remain valid.
(1) “We Need to Support the President’s Current Initiatives,” May 11, 2016, at
(2) “Wyoming and No. Colorado Are Being Occupied by Foreign Mercenaries and Secret DHS Army,” Before It’s News, May 12, 2016, at and “America Has Been Invaded and Occupation Troops Are Being Moved In- Critical Update,” Before It’s News, May 13, 2016, at
(3) Matthew’s Message, April 22, 2015, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.
(5) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 24, 2008.
(6) SaLuSa, Aug. 19, 2011, at
Search on “martial law” here: https://at
See also and “Ready-Reference Guide: There’s No Need to Fear” at
(7) “Mike Quinsey: A Message from My Higher Self,” May 13, 2016, at