I again asked Andrew Eardley (who goes by the spiritual name “Elias,” when talking to Archangel Michael) if we could share with the world more of his discussion with AAM, in which the latter acknowledges that nuclear bombs won’t work on Planet Earth. But the discussion goes much further and into places where no one’s gone before, to coin a phrase.
As Commander of the exploratory/scientific Starship, the Pi, Andrew, or Elias, intends to start a World Cruise after Disclosure, stopping first at Fukushima, cleaning it up, and making a Memorial Park where it stood. I know, I know. Where’s the evidence? Like everyone else, we’re waiting, waiting, waiting for it too.
Here is Elias’s conversation on February 27, 2015, with Michael about nuclear weapons and radiation, Hoovering the swelling oceans and the abhorrence of war.
Elias: I also get the feeling that we might be using the awesome power of the Pi to assist with Gaia’s cleansing. And as you know, I personally have an abhorrence of nuclear weapons and this sort of thing. I’ve always felt, since my awakening, that I would enjoy taking part in removing these, dematerialising them from Gaia. Any comments on that?
AAM: Yes, and in many ways, unbeknownst to many humans, by the way … most of the nuclear weapons have been deactivated. They would not work even if they tried!
But there is still the question of nuclear waste, and yes, the transmutation … but let us also talk to you about something that you will be doing with your sweet Pi and crew.
In the adjustments of Gaia – and you know that she has already ascended – but with the anchoring of many Cities of Light, and the … can we say … slight adjustments of coastlines … one of the things that you will be doing is ‘vacuuming up’ – not only water, but things that could be spilt, such as oil, so that it is held in safety while these slight adjustments take place and then deposited safely elsewhere.
Elias: A sort of ‘Galactic Hoover’!
AAM: That is it exactly – you will become the ‘Hoover man’!
Elias: I would dearly love to be able to use the power of the Pi to clear up that Fukushima mess – any chance of that?
AAM: Yes, that is exactly the type of clean-up we are talking about.
Elias: I would dearly love to do that particular job. I once visited the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima and that’s left an indelible impression on me. I would love to be able to replace the Fukushima mess with a similar Memorial Park.
AAM: For you – for any Being who is sensitive, but particularly for you – who has seen the Intergalactic Wars, and who is Pleiadian through and through, the idea of war of that magnitude – Hiroshima – is so abhorrent that it is beyond measure, and so that is part of it – it reminded you, and does remind you, of the annihilation that took place during the Intergalactic Wars and the devastation of whole planets and civilisations. And so it is an issue – this nuclear issue – is something that is very near and dear to your heart.