(Continued from Part 1.)
Adamu: An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
A New Perspective on The Great Flood
And all would have proceeded perfectly except one petulant little twit got it into his head to destroy all that he had built on his way out. *laughs* My friends. You shall have to forgive me. Your Adamu has seen much and there is not much that raises my ire any more. But in retelling this story I am brought back into the emotions that coursed through my being back then when I discovered this. One of the Anunaki gods in his mighty and godly fashion, decided if he had to leave earth that he would wipe out his whole creation on his way out. His own tribe that had worshipped him and done his every bidding. He decided to destroy everything else that he could possibly destroy. It’s difficult not to get upset at that.
He had access, you see, to certain tools that could be used for weather control. Which is another long story which, if I told you, you simply would not believe me. But the point is he manipulated the weather to bring maximal destruction upon his own people.
Another of the Anunaki, in fact a brother to the insanely destructive one, decided to try ameliorate the harm. He warned some of the people of what his brother was planning. The result is the ancient myth of the great flood and the man who built the ark.
The story, as it is now available to you in your various religious texts, has become profoundly mythologised, of course.
In truth, the flooding was really quite localised. The whole world was not covered in water. I should hope a little deductive reasoning would make it apparent that there is not enough water on the planet to flood the planet. But there certainly is enough to cause a great deal of local flooding. A great deal of local disaster. And so it was. And so it was too, that those that were warned had the wherewithal to build good weather-proof boats for themselves, their families and their domesticated livestock. To place in these boats sufficient feedstock to last out a few days of torrential rain and the massive flooding that came afterwards. And to provide a safe “home base” to live from once the floods had subsided.
The flood must certainly have felt pretty epic to those that lived through it though. And one can understand how the myth came to be what it is. But there were survivors. In part thanks to the warning they were given. In part thanks to the good preparations they put in place. And in part also because we were able to deactivate the weather device. Which I shall just say was in space and I shall leave it at that. We deactivated it and the planet’s weather returned to normal and since then we have been keeping a vigil. We have been keeping the rest of the galaxy off humanity’s bit of turf while they have slowly detraumatised themselves, slowly began to find themselves and slowly began to make up their own minds about who and what they are.
It’s been several thousand years that we have kept it up. And in that time, you have had very little interference indeed. A remarkably good quarantine has been maintained for all this time. We are not perfect. We do not draw an utterly impermeable boundary around the Earth. Sometimes something happens and an Earth Human encounters a being from another galactic civilisation. This is often by mistake. Some perfectly respectful member of a race that is in support of the quarantine agreement makes an error and their ship drops from a higher frequency into your environment and you have a “UFO” event. That kind of thing happens.
And then there are also some that are intentionally trying to subvert the quarantine.
The Zeta Greys
You are familiar with the little grey fellows from Zeta Reticuli? They are masters of stealth. They are able to sneak in, get up to monkey business and sneak out again without causing alarm. Not all the time. Not even most of the time. But it happens often enough that there is an awareness of them upon your planet. For which we apologise. We are doing our best with them and have quite a high success rate. But not nearly perfect, I am afraid. The problem is that the ones doing these incursions are not acting under the auspices of their home world. They are corsairs. Buccaneers. They undertake these missions at the behest of the highest bidder. And through the ages they have occasionally managed to slip through and conduct this or that mission on behalf of some or another interested party.
We have controlled them as best we can but it is like swatting gnats. No matter how many you get, one or two always get through and they don’t mind being caught. They don’t even mind having their ship destroyed in the process. They are, you see, not like you. They are a race of… the closest I can offer you is “biological machines”. They are intelligent sentient beings, certainly. But there is no sense of “I” or of an individual self, amongst them. They are the group. They have a networked group awareness. They have shared memories. So shooting one of their ships out of the sky doesn’t actually kill anyone. Not in the normal sense. They will simply manufacture more… as many as they believe they need. And each will gain access to the network of information and knowledge which is their group intelligence. But for all that, there are unfathomably complex factions within the greater group of their race. And some of those factions – numerically a very small percentage – engage in this kind of behaviour.
So that’s a little background on the Zeta Greys. But now I need to tell you about the trigger events.
A Brief Lifting of the Quarantine… and an Offer!
When the quarantine was put in place, it was agreed that there would be certain specific events that would cause the quarantine to be lifted in a very carefully ordered fashion. One such event occurred quite recently with the dropping of the first atomic bombs. This was at the end of a period that you call the second world war. I don’t know why you call it that. There has almost never not been world war. But that is neither here nor there. When those devices exploded, you triggered the possibility of planetary self-destruction. Other planetary civilisations have utterly annihilated themselves with exactly this technology. So, with those two bombs, you caused a trigger event.
Delegates of a few of the main factions of the galactic civilisations were sent to speak to the leader of the nation that detonated those devices. Given the high-drama of the time, it took a little time and effort to procure that meeting. But eventually it came to pass. And the meeting, when it came, was with an ex-military man who was then leading a more-or-less peaceful nation [Eisenhower?]. He was offered a variety of options by the various delegates. We, the Pleiadians, representing the Galactic Federation of White Light, offered him a peaceful path. In exchange for giving up this self-destructive technology and the whole path it placed humanity upon, we offered a variety of other technologies. Free energy and so forth. Technologies that would lead to the betterment of all humanity. That would allow for healing. For unity. That would open the door to free and unfettered engagement with the galactic community.
He declined our offer saying he would not give up the strategic advantage that nuclear weapons presented at that crucial juncture. Though the war was officially over, what replaced it was very far from peace. There had been a very uncomfortable alliance between his nation and another during the war and this alliance had fallen apart to be replaced with what would come to be called “the cold war.” And this leader was fully engaged in the preparations for the next war. A war that has yet to come. A nuclear war.
So he gave up on the best chance humanity would quite possibly ever have. Such was his short-sightedness. But that was the best decision he could take given the information available to him.
The Orion Group
Another group, representatives of a race from Orion and a consortium of Service-to-Self races, made a different offer. You see this race is fast dying out as a result of their own genetic unviability. This is self-inflicted. They have, for aeons, been tinkering with their own genome. They are themselves GMOs, you see. And nearly everything upon their planet is genetically modified. Not that genetic modification is per se a bad thing. It is just a bad thing if you give yourself no way to undo what you have done. Which is what they did. They modified themselves right to the point of their own inability to reproduce. An unintended consequence of trying to genetically disable the aging process. So there they are now. A race of very old beings who live very, very long lives but can have no children and are slowly, slowly dying out.
So what do the beings from Orion want? A mulligan. A redo. A start over. And they see humanity’s massively diverse and wonderfully robust genome as the perfect resource that they would like to mine. They want to splice bits of human genome back into their own to bring them back to viability as a race. And not just Humanity. They also want access to earth’s animal genetics for similar purposes. In short, what they wanted was to be given access to human genetics. Free reign to take samples from whomsoever they chose whenever they wanted.
So they offered that fearful war-time leader the one thing that he would not be able to say no to. They wowed him and his technical advisers with technology that would place his nation at a massive strategic advantage over his enemies. And they said they would hand that technology over in exchange for the genetic mining rights they sought. They further promised that samples would be taken stealthily. That the sample’s individual would never know that they had even been touched.
And so that leader agreed. He thought he had struck the most marvellous bargain.
But he was wrong. It was a disastrously poor bargain.
Firstly, the technology was delivered without manuals or instructions. Imagine a stone-age man begin handed a smartphone. What could he do with it? He could not even use it, let alone replicate it and make many more just like it. And so it was. The technology delivered was very advanced and would have been a massive strategic advantage. But it was incomprehensible and unusable to those that took receipt of it. All these years later and only occasionally does anything come out of those most secret of labs where those extra-terrestrial devices continue to be examined and analysed. The advances come out so slowly that they are quickly enough absorbed by the other nations of the world that their advantage is limited.
(Concluded in Part 3.)