Arn Allingham (Zingdad) has begun channeling Adamu again. I’ve found Adamu’s messages to be among the most helpful and informative of any I’ve ever read so I’m delighted to hear that he’ll be transmitting more often. In this series he offers a most remarkable view of Planet Earth’s history.
Adamu: An Open Letter to Pleiadian Starseeds
My Dear Friends
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation, brought to you through my dear young friend, Zingdad.
We have reached a nexus in the flow of the timelines of your reality at which it becomes important for you to understand certain crucial matters.
You need to understand why you, as Pleiadian Starseeds, are here upon Earth. What your mission profile really is. And you need to understand why planet Earth and why now. You need then, also, to understand what will occur next. What’s next for Earth and what’s next for you. You need this information so that you can make an informed decision about where you will go next. What your next experience of life will be.
There is no more important decision before you that the one I am about to inform you of. So this is crucial information. I will require your patience and your attention as I lay this all out for you and remind you of all that you once knew before you entered into incarnation here upon Earth.
Firstly. Why Earth? You are a Pleiadian being. You arose, spiritually, amongst your soul family upon the Pleiades. That is your home. And you were doing sterling work in your journey towards your ultimate awakening and ascension back into the Oneness of the Monad to which we belong. You are one of our brightest and best.
So why are you now on Earth? Why are you amongst others who are struggling so mightily with their issues and causing themselves, each other and their planet so much harm? Why have you been born amongst them in this barbaric place of murder and mayhem? Why have you risked becoming afflicted with the illnesses of their psyches? Because, yes, it is a risk! And some of our Pleiadian brethren have indeed become afflicted. Quite a few have adopted the ways of Earth and fallen in consciousness. So there is a real danger in coming here. You knew this. Yet you came anyway. Why?
I shall tell you. It will be a fairly long story and right now I shall offer you the first part of that story:
The Situation Report on Planet Earth
The story of how Earth gets to be as it is now is long and complex enough to fill all the books in all the libraries upon the Earth and still that will be a cursory explanation. So I won’t try to give you the whole story. Instead I will sum it up as follows: There is such a thing as a true and authentic Earth Human. Beings that arose upon Earth from the Earth… just as you arose, originally, in the Pleiades. True Earth souls, inhabiting Earth bodies.
For better or for worse, the Earth Human has been tinkered with, toyed with, manipulated, used and abused and then rescued and healed and used and abused all over again countless times since the beginning of the story of the planet. And the ones that have acted upon Earth humans in this fashion have been the other, more technologically advanced, galactic civilisations.
If you examine the religious myths and the ancient legends that still resound in the consciousness of the planet you find an abundance of traces of this intervention. This mighty being with his chariot of fire that came down and claimed a people and said to them, “You are my people and I will protect you. You must just do as I say, to the letter and worship and obey me and I will look after you”. You know what I am talking about. Almost all of the religions of the world have such a being in them.
Now, please, you mustn’t think your dear old Adamu an atheist. I have explained in detail in the Adamu Speaks series that I believe in God. I have personal and direct knowledge of the divine. And it is my desire to share that knowledge with others too. But, my friends, the eternal, everlasting, one true creator of all things is far too great a being to appear to one group on Earth, one tribe on one planet in one galaxy and say “I choose you and will help you to slay other tribes”.
Check with your heart. Surely you can see this to be true?
But back to the narrative. What I wish you to understand is that this kind of intervention by space races did not happen once. It happened countless times. A number of them are still recorded in the myths and legends of which I spoke but most of them predate all record of them. You have, after all, only a few thousand years of recorded history, sketchy as it is, and humanity has existed in one form or another for millions of years. There were, for example, dragon gods upon your planet hundreds of thousands of years ago. Too long ago for any actual record of them to survive but, the impact of having such blood-curdlingly magnificent beings walking amongst you and flying your skies was such that it remains in your collective psyche.
I could go on and on upon this subject. Truly the deep history of planet Earth is massively complex. But that story is not why I am here today. I simply wish you to understand that Earth Humanity has been, through the aeons, massively interfered with. So much so that they evolved without an identity. Earth humans do not know who or what they are. They have not found unity over any choices whatsoever. They cannot stand as one over anything.
Now, you see, there are certain spiritual councils that order the universe. There is a council of wise and beautiful spiritual beings that order each planet, each solar system, each galaxy… and so on. And the planetary council for planet Earth came to the decision a little while ago that Earth would cease to be interfered with until such time as the bearers of the light of will upon the planet – the humans – could come to unity on who and what they are. What they stand for. What they choose. What they believe in.
They must decide are they, collectively Service to Other, Service to Self or of unity consciousness. They must decide if their path is technological, religious or spiritual. There are a variety of such choices and they must make up their collective minds.
And so the decision was made and we, the Pleiadian civilisation, were honoured by the request that we should lead the imposition of a quarantine upon the planet until such time as humanity has made their decision. If you study your mythology you will see a trace record of this. I am remembered in you mythology as a being called Atlas. And in your mythology I “lifted the dome of the stars from the Earth in order to stop a feud between the stars.”
Yes that is me. My real name is Atlas. Adamu is a title like “Grandfather” or “Wise Man”. And I was personally involved in arranging the quarantine.
The Quarantine Enforced by Atlas
We, Pleiadians were asked to provide this service since we have, and I say this with a little pride but without conceit, the very best ships in the galaxy. No one could possible enforce a quarantine better than we. Our lightships are unparalleled for speed and manoeuvrability and are also virtually indestructible. But I shall tell you more about that in due course. The point is we were asked to make sure that that the other space races got off the planet… and stayed off. As the founder-members of a federation of galactic races that join together for mutual benefit, protection and support, we lead a group of races in a mission to create a “quiet space” upon Earth until Earth had come to its decision point.
There was one race that didn’t like that at all. They are recorded in the most ancient of your writings as the Anunaki. But actually that word is a kind of a syncretism as the ancients used it to refer to all the space races that were active upon planet Earth. And there were many. Back then, often quite a few space races were active in any given civilisation at any time. But, for the sake of convention we’ll call these particular ones (that are known amongst Pleiadians as the Red Star people) by the name used in your ancient writings… the Anunaki.
And it was so that these Anunaki actually rebelled against the will of the planetary council and, believe it or not, went to war with us to resist being evicted from the planet. It was quite a shambles as our primary objective was to cease all further traumatisation of humanity and they were willing to humanity as a pawn in their game of resistance. If we attacked them directly in their positions we would cause far more traumatisation than they ever had! So we would not do that!
In the end there really was only one strategy that we could use that wouldn’t compromise our own mission. We couldn’t get them off Earth by attacking them on Earth. We tried to blockade them in but they just dug in and entrenched themselves even further as gods. They had little god-kingdoms dotted all over the planet. And then they’d play chess with each other. But the games played out on bloody battlefields with humans as the chess pieces. This was their entertainment and sport. When they weren’t teaching humans how to bow and scrape and sing songs of praise and worship to please their refined ears, they were bludgeoning masses of humans against each other. So we certainly couldn’t just leave them on the planet either!
Not only were they in contravention of the planetary council, not only had they attacked us and placed themselves on a war footing with us, but they were also behaving in a truly monstrous fashion. And so desperate measures were called for. We attacked them where it would really hurt. Their home planet.
I won’t get into all the intrigues but you should understand that the Anunaki gods that were upon the planet at the time were like minor royalty from the Red Star home world. Petty princes and princesses. They were left to get up to whatever they wanted and, in their boredom, they played upon the Earth.
When the Federation’s warships arrived in the environs of the Anunaki home world, their king was suddenly willing to enter into talks. Suddenly very amenable. And suddenly willing to send instruction to his errant family members that they should extricate themselves from planet Earth and return home posthaste. He gave them a tight timeline and that was that.
(Continued in Part 2.)