I’ve had the experience in the last few months of being able to see, in my mind’s eye, our Third-Dimensional mind chatter as if it were a strip of sound (see graphic).
All our conversation – with others or ourselves – went on within a restricted range, a narrow band.
For many people, our Third-Dimensional lives were barren of real love; not barren of what we thought love was (affection, warmth, caring, etc.).
But bereft of the kind of love that takes us from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness. Bereft of the kind of love that sweeps away ugly feelings like anger, jealousy, and hatred.
We experienced very little to no bliss or ecstacy. Our lives often went on in a rut. Everything had a certain sameness, punctuated by the occasional “magic moment,” when we spent $3-5,000 to go on that dream vacation, or jumped out of an airplane just to feel our aliveness, or did drugs or slept around – anything to get the juice going.
The Arcturian Group hint at this when they tell us that “every soul longs to know and experience ITSELF, but when an individual is ignorant of this, he seeks in the outer world of things, people, power, money, and sex.” (1) Experiencing our Self means the Self meeting the Self, God meeting God. Towards that meeting, we journey endlessly in a process of spiritual evolution.
Werner Erhard used to say that, when we feel our life is not working out, what we typically seek is “more, better, and different.”
Taking the Arcturian Group one step further, we could say that we go for more money, better sex, or different vacation spots.
But more, better, and different keeps us within that narrow band of experience that the sound strip represents. And there isn’t much aliveness in it, as we learn the very first time we experience transformative love or bliss.
When we go for more, better, different, we’re satisfied with change, rather than transformation.
Change is merely moving our Scotty Dog around the board, from Mediterranean Avenue to Baltic. Instead of a blue shirt, we wear a brown shirt. Instead of having our hair long, we cut it short. Instead of wearing new jeans new, we take out our scissors and make holes in them. It’s the trend.
Nothing we do reaches to the root of the problem – that our hearts are closed.
We pursue the fads, fashions, and trends more closely. We get a better car. We date a different person. But none of this makes us truly happy. None of it provides lasting satisfaction. None of it opens our hearts.
Transformation is not a change in our circumstances but a movement from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness. You can feel it. It’s so different that there’s no mistaking that something just happened.
It may not result in a heart opening but a heart opening will definitely result in transformation. I can vouch for that. (2)
Nevertheless, for the time it lasts, one feels alive, relieved, energized. Whoooo-hooo! Like that.
It comes from processes like breakthrough, emergence, and self-revelation. It results in transformative love and bliss.
Usually it takes the form of a realization, awakening, or enlightenment, which is a deeper form of it.
Given that all of us are into writing or reading, we’re probably highly verbal. For us, transformation or breakthrough may come about because we told the truth deeply, took a stand on ourselves or the situation, made a commitment or a promise, declared where we’re at with something from a very deep place, and so on. These ways of reaching the Self are often called “committed speaking.” Most of us could turn out to be committed speakers.
“Committed speaking” falls among “committed actions” generally, like making a difference or creating a world that works. Our speaking is committed because it commits the Self to action, rather than simply expressing our opinion on something or having a conversation.
It moves the Self, engages the Self. Werner Erhard would say it “presences the Self.” On occasion, it moves the world, as with Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, or Franklin Roosevelt.
Moving from simple ego presence to Self presence takes us out (way out) of the narrow band of the sound strip that I’ve been seeing in my mind’s eye and into the seemingly-boundless domain of the Self. Through the gate of transformation or realization, we get to experience tremendous release, invigorating freedom, and boundless optimism.
Instead of not experiencing our experience because we’re in our thoughts, we now experience our experience. Instead of walking around in a fog of unconscious awareness, little better than a modern cave man, we’re now in the clarity of conscious awareness and everything improves as a result of it.
It seems to me that transformation such as I’m describing is a dimensional doorway. It must be.
Anyways, that’s where I’m headed. Fast as I can. I want to be in conscious awareness. I want to experience my experience. I want to own and experience my choices.
I want to remain aware of myself. I want to do that which calls the Self forth. I need a bigger and bigger problem, given the way I feel myself expanding under the influence of the present energies. (Well, you can see it in my writing.)
I want more than “more, better, and different.” I want transformation.
(1) The Arcturian Group Message. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele, November 23, 2014, at https://www.onenessofall.com
(2) Based on the heart opening I was permitted to have on March 13, 2015, which changed my life. No, I’m not calling it enlightenment. I don’t think it was. But it was grand, life-altering. Thank you, Lord.