Udo Pelkowski sends along word of his work with the measurement of life-force energy, which has skyrocketed with the Tsunami of Love.
It isn’t often that we post scientific stories in detail, but this one is exceptionally suggestive.
Rather than try to rework what Udo says here, perhaps it may be best to simply reproduce his letter. The predictions are Udo’s own.
Dear Steve,
it’s a long time since I contacted you. (1) I follow your news at the Golden Age of Gaia on a daily basis. Congratulation to your work and of course that of your Team!
I’d like today to share with you some interesting facts that haven’t been discussed at the Golden Age of Gaia yet.
In Germany and Austria, a team has been for many years measuring the Life – Energy in Bovis – Units, named after the Discoverer: a French Radiesthesist Andre Bovis. (2)
In short Steve, in the 1800’s when Bovis startet measuring the Life – Energy or Life Force Energy in Angstrom, (3) a concept used by Dowsers to quantify the strength of postulated cosmo-telluric Energy, 4500 Bovis-Units were measured by healthy humans. Before Dec. 21, 2012 the measured Energy reached already 7000 Bovis-Units for a Healthy Human. On “Places of Power,” 10.000 Bovis-Units could be measured.
After Dec. 21, 2012 the measured Bovis-Units of a healthy Human increased to 21.000 Bovis-Units. On Dec. 21, 2013 21 Billion Bovis-Units have been measured.
Since Spring 2014 when the Tsunami of Love entered Gaia the measured Bovis-Units started sky-rocketing.
I wrote 68 Articles published in “Wir sind Eins” by Christoph Maschik (Arameus). They are wide spread [commonly read?] in Europe. One Article Series “Das goldene Zeitalter” (The golden Age), is even translated into Chinese.
黃金新紀元@ kaethe :: 痞客邦PIXNET ::
However, an Article from me was published in Wir sind Eins. I noted that the Life-Force Energies of unconditional Love (Tsunami of Love) will increase not 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. but exponentially 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc.
In my May 28, 2014 Article, this Theory was confirmed. (4)
The attachment shows that in the begin of April 2014 the Life-Energy started to increase radically.
A Web – page Praxis UmERia published the increasing Bovis-Units under https://www.praxis-umeria.de/kosmischer-wetterbericht-der-liebe.html.
I found this Web – page by Nebadonia https://nebadonia.wordpress.com/, after my Article predicting radical increases of Life-Force-Energy (unconditional Love) was published.
It’s astonishing that the daily measure of the Tsunami of Love sky-rocketed in a very short time in astronomic figures. The Bovis-Units are also the Energy of Gaia.
This Energy is meanwhile measured in Googols. (5)
Forty-eight hrs. after every Mass Corona Ejection of X-Class Eruption the measured Bovis-Units increase faster and faster. Also after Global Meditations. Soon we measure the increase by Googols on a daily basis. The Tsunami is measurable and can be felt. Yesterday already 1,16 x 10^756 Bovis – Units were measured. If it continues we’ll reach Googol 8 tomorrow [Nov. 5].
Soon the incoming Energy of unconditional Love, (Tsunami of Love) will ignite our Light Body – MerKaBah.
Further Attachments are logarithmic scales of the measured Bovis-Units in German Bovis-Einheiten BE) oder Boviswerte.
Steve, I’d like to share this valuable information with you and your Readers.
Below are the Bovis-Units and the increase of the last Days.
Best Regards
Datum | Zeit | Wert | Bezeichnung | Nullstell. | Anmerkung zur täglichen Energiesteigerung |
01.11.14 | 08:20:00 | 768 | Cent-Duodecilliarden | 10^675 | 640 Billionenfache von Gestern |
02.11.14 | 08:30:00 | 302 | Cent-Sextillionen | 10^696 | 393 Trillionen-fache von Gestern in ein paar Stunden erreichen wir Googol 7 |
Googol 7 wurde um 13:45 erreicht | |||||
03.11.14 | 08:00:00 | 180 | Cent-Duovigintillionen | 10^732 | Ohne Worte, aber zum Nachdenken!!! |
04.11.14 | 06:30:00 | 1,16 | Cent-Sexvigintillionen | 10^756 | Die Zeit verkürzt sich von Googol zu Googol ! |
Please use the “zoom” capability on your browser to enlarge these diagrams and tables.
(1) See “Evidence Corroborating David Wilcock’s Recent Allegations: Philippine Gold, Platinum, and Cash, Dec. 30, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/12/evidence-corroborating-david-wilcocks-recent-allegations-philippine-gold/ ; “Treasure Hunters Declare Their Find and Offer to Return It,” Jan. 1, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/01/treasure-hunters-declare-their-find-and-offer-to-return-it/ ; “Udo Continues the Story of the Filipino Treasure,” January 1, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/01/udo-continues-the-story-of-the-filipino-treasure/
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovis_scale