Hi all,
A multitude of activity behind the scenes, but nothing visible as yet.
The RV (private) was done a bit over a week ago, and the IQD (Iraqi Dinar) went unconditional in that arena a few days ago, and contracts are being issued for the very large quantities (the overprint). The public RV is not yet.
Many historic bond transactions are awaiting the signal to get done and completed, but I cannot see them completing until the first week September. Sso there are many intermediaries getting very frustrated, not to mention sellers.
Regardless, our project funding is well on its way, and since our source is different and not dependent on the circuses out there, we are making good headway in setting up our infrastructure to handle the upcoming starts.
Since ‘grandfather’ got full control, some things have gone suddenly quiet. I know this is in preparation of what is to come, and not much i can say. I had a long talk with Susan about this, and it is best not to say anything until certain official announcements come forward. This is just prudence to ensure that the mechanisms at work are not disturbed by rumor and conjecture. Truth is far better, and patience is the byword until it is announced.
So do keep strong and hold the light.
It will not be long now – remember the significances of the Chinese way with numbers. The first of the first month, the second of the second month, etc. We are coming up on the ninth of the ninth month. Those are dates when contracts are signed or events happen. The 9 number signifies completion. I would think something of extreme significance will be coming our way then.
Pigs circling. And to ‘n’, friendly banter is one thing to make light of a serious situation, but I cannot sell you a dyed pig in good conscience. And Miss Phipps is a virtual secretary. Cute though and does not question anything.
In Love and Light In Our Service
Contributions: PayPal.com – account…[email protected]… if you have a problem please contact us at [email protected]
Love and Kisses,
Susan and Staff,
The Office of Poofness