(Continued from Part 1.)
SB: Is it possible to talk about where we are in our Ascension process at the present time, Lord?
AAM: It is very possible
SB: I don’t know what standard and measure you might use. Is there one?
AAM: Yes, because we have also said this is a process and to use the human terminology, an event, a snap and a process. No, the process has not been a “snap”! I think you would all agree to that, not above or below. But yes.
Now we have spoken very recently about the many lightworkers who have been flying in and out of the Ascension portal, not only doing U-turns but the most popular movement at the moment is a very graceful figure 8, an infinity sign (∞). They are just doing it continually. It is quite interesting to watch.
And so since we have made that observation, that initial observation, more and more lightworkers have said, “Well, if that is possible I am going.” And that includes all of you who are listening.
So yes, you have been going, receiving the energies, coming back to, shall we say, your collection route and flowing back through. The Tsunami is the preparation and the helping of the general humanity. Yes, again the lightworkers are the anchors. The lightworkers are becoming the tsunami. The lightworkers are the breakwater. The lightworkers are key. The lightworkers are our partners.
So, I do not say ‘soon.’ I say that you are at a very high percentile in terms of readiness.
So may I use an analogy? Think of it in a couple of ways. If you are going out to a very fancy ball, party, restaurant, you have pretty much finished dressing. Oh! you have hemmed and hawed and tried on many different outfits wondering what you should wear to travel inter-dimensionally, to be with Gaia in this Ascension, what you should look like as you meet the masters, your beloved ones, your guides, but you are dressed and ready.
Have you left for the event yet? No, but you are preparing to and I mean this collectively. I’m not speaking to you individually and I’m not speaking about those of you who have been flying in and out, but collectively you are ready. Think of it as if you have prepared the dinner at home for us and you have cooked our favorite meals, ambrosia, angel food cake…(Laughter)
SB: I like devil’s food cake myself. (2)
AAM: Devil’s food cake is delicious. So you know that all is prepared, the table is set, the meal is cooked, and you are ready to serve and sit down. Now is that, without committing to specific dates and times, an adequate analogy?
SB: Yes, it is. There’s a lot of observers here from all over the multiverse and you’ve been listening to their comments and their observations watching the process. What are they saying as they watch Earth do the first Ascension in the multiverse?
AAM: They are excited. Now you think that anxiety, and I do not mean this in a depressive or a clinical sense, but you think anxiety is simply the purview of humans. It is not. In many situations the observers are in a state of excitement, of relief, and some anxiety.
SB: Why is that?
AAM: Because there have been so many false starts. So, there is an excitement that everyone is saying, “It’s a go. Everything is clearing. The clouds have separated. The sun is shining. Everything is ready.” But there is always this tinge of anxiousness, let me put it that way. And I tell you why, Because so much depends on it.
Now, as archangel and servant of the Mother, I also tell you that this is the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan and there has been great flexibility and you think in terms of years but we think in terms of millennia.
So there has been great flexibility in the timing of this plan but it is the plan of the Mother. So, in fact, as I often say to our intergalactic observers, “There is no reason for anxiety. There is great reason for excitement. You have Earth, Gaia, humanity as a tremendous cheering squad, but it is the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan. So, I say to you, it is a certainty.” This is not a ‘perhaps’ or an ‘if’. No, we are not overriding human free will but, when human free will is infused with the Mother’s love, the choice is only one and that is to proceed in love. So, from our perspective, it is a done deal.
SB: Well lord, a question for you. One of the big new developments in this Ascension is going with the human body. What have you found, and when I say you I mean the team that is staging Ascension, what are the considerations that are facing you with regard to the human body’s frailty, with regard to not going too fast, burning out the circuits. What are you finding in that area?
AAM: This is a very good question and it is a question that many of you have posed to me in prayer or even in pain. I will be very frank. The human body has required a lot of work. It is not in great shape.
I don’t say that critically but you have asked a very important question. It [physical Ascension] is unique. It is the first. We are taking this form, you, each of you are taking this form and not merely abandoning it, but bringing it forth inter-dimensionally, to a higher vibration, to what you can think of as a reconstitution.
This is also part of the recovery that I have referred to earlier. It is not simply the infusion of the love. It is also the recovery, the strengthening of the body and many are reporting that. The channel forgot to mention that part, but I will help her out.
So, for decades you know that your body has been shifting and for some of you that began as far back as the Harmonic Convergence, through all these shifts, the 11:11’s, the 12:12’s, the Grand Crosses, the solar flares.
But this has been magnified and intensified in the past couple of years; well, actually about three and a half to four years. You’re shifting from what you think of as the carbon-based form to a crystalline form which is simply meaning that the structure of your being is more able to not only to hold the higher frequency and vibration but also act as a transmitter.
And there are many side benefits in terms of healing and in terms of telepathic communications and simply clarity of downloads. So that has been one thing.
The thing that we have been most focused on – and I truly speak for my brother Archangel Raphael, oh yes, and St. Germaine, he is giving me the nod as well – has been the strengthening of the body as we eliminate what you think of as dis-ease, maladies, weaknesses in the human body.
You have asked about the Ascension team. Now I’m telling you, the priority is the elimination of pain because it is very difficult to be in the upliftment, in the elevation, in the bliss when you were in pain. You have moments of bliss and then your body calls you back.
That is one of the reason why also for the last while so many healing ships have been positioned so close to Gaia and have been working completely non-stop. That is an aside that I make.
You do not have the existence of dis-ease, pain, limitation, in the higher dimension. So, why are we concerned about addressing this while in the, shall we say, the cleaned-up 3rd?
Because when you are more dis-ease-stronger, more vital, more in your root chakra, then you are fully capable of taking that quantum leap.
Additionally, it is a mission of mercy, of compassion, to heal humanity because in that demonstration of the clearing or the lessening of pain, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual, they are all in the same bandwidth. In that demonstration what you are receiving is the message, “I am worthy, I am loved” and that is also part of the cleansing and the raising of your vibration, your frequency, your trust factor, your faith factor. So it is complex.
Now, your next question would be, “Then why am I hearing from so many lightworkers that they are feeling more pain than ever, of one sort or another?” And it is because the pain, the injuries, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, old ailments, even past life ailments, are coming to the surface to be washed away, to be removed, from the Tsunami, from the Mother, from Raphael, from St. Germaine, from your star brothers and sisters. Everybody is working on this.
The idea, the plan is that your vessels are as vibrant as possible. Now let me be clear about this because I can feel several of you who are out there saying, “But I am still feeling crippled. I’m still feeling overwhelmed and depressed. I still have heart palpitations. I still have arthritis, My back still hurts.” I speak to you as your brother, as truth. Your Ascension is not dependent upon your body being fully recovered. It is a benchmark that we are working on achieving.
Will there be healing as you pass through the portal? There most certainly will be. Is there magnificent healing in the Tsunami? Yes, but do not think, especially those of you who have suffered and cleansed for so many, do not think for one moment that I am going to leave you behind. Our legions will lift you up and carry you through.
It is your heart, and the love, and the purity, and the grace that is your passport, your ticket. We simply want your body to be as full and as vibrant as possible, as you decide, as you have originally designed, because do not forget my sweet friends, that this is a return to your true design.
And your true design, your soul design, your original architecture did not include dis-ease. And that is also true for Gaia. The ailments, shall we say, that she has endured or suffered as a result of the illusions, and the false grids and paradigms, vasanas of humans, the pollution, the debris, the garbage, the despoiling, this will be healed as well.
SB: Question, Lord, on some listeners who have aged parents, some of them on their last legs, and they’re all saying, “Will they be brought along? Will they be able to ascend? Is it possible that someone could pass over at this late date and miss out on Ascension? And of course then there’s the question of whether they would ascend from the other side, but can you address their fears that their aging parents would not be able to ascend please?
AAM: Their aged parents will ascend if that is what they have chosen to do prior to contract. Now there are many who have been on this cusp and some have said – and this is a soul conversation that they are consciously or unconsciously having with us and with their guardians – some have said, “I just want to stay long enough to see it.” Some have said, “I want to stay long enough to go through and be revitalized.” And some have said – and these are about equal pockets by the way – some have said, “I will go and I will pull them through from the other side.”
SB: Amazing.
AAM: So, they will support [them], until the very last moment, pop over and then pull them through.
In all instances, the elderly, the wise ones, even those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, severe conditions, they know what they’re doing. And we also do not simply address those who have aged parents, we also address those who are “terminally ill.” It is about the same break-out.
SB: I know a fellow who has multiple conditions, from myeloma to kidney failure. He’s on a kidney machine, on his last legs, and it really does appear that he’s holding on for Ascension and so somebody that plagued with conditions can still make it, you are saying?
AAM: Yes. It is the purity of the heart. Now do we want as many recovered bodies as possible? Yes, because that is the jettisoning. Is there room for a few who will be restored? Of course there is.
SB: Well, why don’t you give me your last comments and then I think there are many listeners who want me to ask you about the Reval so I’ll allow you to just finish up on the Ascension.
AAM: The only thing I wish to say as we conclude in this topic is, do not forget that the Mother’s mercy and compassion is infinite. So turn to her. She is right there for you as she is right there for all of us and she never turns us away. So I am glad that we have spoken of this this day.
SB: Yes, and thank you for that. If we could turn to the Reval for the remaining part of the program, which is about 10 minutes, first of all I think the question that is on everybody’s mind is, what circumstances are actually holding up the Reval at this time?
AAM: There truly aren’t very many circumstances. There are minor adjustments that are being made in terms of the, what you think of as, the flow of what we would call prosperity and abundance for many, for the transition. There was the necessity, yes, the necessity of the clearing of greed.
Lust and control have taken distant back seats because that has really been basically dealt with. But this issue of greed, of covetedness cannot be part of what we see and so do you, as the sharing of wealth, sharing of what you think of as currency, to reconfigure Nova Earth.
Now, does heaven, the Company of Heaven, the Mother, deal in cold hard cash and currency? No. Do we deal in spiritual currency? We most definitely do.
And let us suggest to you that spiritual currency can be converted in any number of ways and it is certainly the currency of all the Divine Qualities, which you all have been anchoring in accordance with Divine Law, with Universal Law. But there is no room for greed.
Now there was a mad rush of greed, oh, in the past several months, and that had need to be cleared out. And there was a mad rush of greed even amongst lightworkers and a level, might we say, of desperation. Desperation has no place either. Yes, we understand your needs. Of course we do. We are with you constantly.
But never mind underestimating us or feeling that we don’t deliver. Desperation hinders your own creative process. So, that had need to be dealt with and we are dealing with it still. But the critical factor, greed, yes, desperation number two, number three, the balance of your willingness and practice of give and receive.
And this is true, yes, particularly for those of you I speak to this night, and thereafter. You have been very good at giving and you have been very good at issuing prayer, of help, help, help, desperation, help, but you have not always been fully open, individually and collectively, but within your heart, because of clouds of lack of self worth, lack of acknowledgement of the love of who you are, at truly receiving.
Now, we have seen a quantum leap in this in the last month. And we do not simply mean on this show or in the Golden Age of Gaia. We mean in the human populace. And a deep recognition that you don’t have one side without the other. It is the balance scales. It is the teeter-totter. It is the see-saw. And it is the stillpoint.
And it is not hour for hour, dime for dime, dollar for dollar, deed for deed. That is not the way the universe works. Blessings flow in all kinds of ways and that is why, so often, we speak to you of various forms of currency, of spiritual currency, of your desire to play with currency, to spread it around, to share it, and you have been doing that.
Intergalactic currency again is a different form. You will learn about that shortly and some of you already are.
So, that is what has been, what you can think of as, the delay. Are you pretty much there? Yes. Has it begun? Yes.
SB: Well, that’s very good to know. Now, I have been handed a note from one of our listeners. I know that you’ve said. You’ve addressed this in part already, but perhaps you could just underline what he wishes to hear and that’s that so many are feeling in struggle/survival mode and feeling so challenged. What words of encouragement and hope can he provide in addition to what you’ve said already?
AAM: Turn to us. Oh, I hear you, my friend when you say, “I have turned to you.” May I ask you for a deeper layer of surrender? You say, “Dear Lord, I am desperate.” Give me your desperation and I will give you hope and peace and it is tangible.
Do not do this tomorrow. Do not do this next week. Do this right now and then jump in the waves of the tsunami and open your heart and receive. You are not forgotten. Give me your struggle, please.
SB: Thank you very much, Lord, for those wise words.
AAM: Go with my love and go in peace. I love you.
SB: I love you, Lord.
AAM: Farewell.
SB: Farewell.